Who is the worst hip hop artist/group of all time!!!

P-Diddy or whatever his name is now. the guy's a thief, he exploits other people's talent, and he's just a cock in general.
Now i know everyone here is not being one hundred
percent serious but there is a lot of shit getting talked
by people who obviously don't know much about the
hip-hop they are supposed to dislike < and the bling - check
previously wrongly spelt references to Kristal & Louis Vitton (sic x2)
! >

Most of the names given here are pop or novelty/one hit rappers eg
kris kross, little bow wow, snow & skee-lo - i think this shows the
folks posting here only hear rap occassionaly when its high up the pop
charts - and i wouldnt want to defend all of the aforementioned acts !

But - and its a big one - there's a lot of great hip-hop out there - and it doesn't need to be all gunz & hoez - check out jurassic 5, beastie boys or (quite) new mc from the UK Sway

Anyway - for all you metal / hard rock fans moaning on here - get a grip eh, i'm sure those music types might have been unpopular with others & for rebels or kids when they got into it < and with, in many cases, more meaningless song lyrics, mysogeny and violence than rap >
so don't get down on another type of music that is basically the most popular
western chart music now. Just turn off < the megadeath >
tune in < to Dr Dre >
and drop out < of that olde worlde anti hip-hop stance >

You get me ?



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the question should be who is the best.

because most of the hip-hop artists around are complete shit.

all these hip-hop artists who are blatently RnB and all emotional, hip-hop aint about that.
Nobody's mentioned 50 Cent?

For me, he's the absolute bottom rung. I can't bother getting angry at needless flash-in-the-pan artists that people forget about 10 minutes after it was a hit.

50 Cent, on the other hand, has long outlasted his shelf-life and started to smell rotten long ago. He is the merging point of all the worst points of hip-hop. Mumbled ineloquence, simplistic to the point of stupid beats, glamourizing criminal lifestyle, and non-stop selling-out, leaving us with a terrible movie and a terrible video game instead of just bad music.


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For people who said Eminem:
you obviously havent heard his earlier albums. in my opinion he has written some of the greatest music ever, in ANY genre.
hands down 3rd bass, pop goes the weazel. what a crock of shit they were
gotta agree with dave rhino - emimems first album is top drawer
- even the stuff that some folks might find offensive has to be
taken in context & is some funny shit if you just try to enjoy it


< mind you dunno if the music is some of the greatest ever written
- even though might be some of the best rap lyrics ! >
blakey, you saying that we dont know rap? unfortunately, i have heard plenty of it. i wish i hadnt, but thats the way it is. to me, it is all crap. the only artist that i might not say that about is tupac. maybe. no i will not turn off the megadeth(thats how you spell it). the day that my stereo plays something else that doesnt have electric guitar, is the day after i die.

< and with, in many cases, more meaningless song lyrics, mysogeny and violence than rap > quote from blakey

all i could do is laugh at that. a quote from 2pac-"my 44 makes sure all your kids dont grow?" i could go on all day about how much more violent rap is than metal. metal is strictly a fantasy. how many of them are murdered? now how many rappers die? fucking thugs.
i dont know if you are trying to correct me, heartbroker, on the spelling or not. i was correcting blakey. i know how to spell megadeth. peace sells...but whos buying is the worst you can come up with? thats a true statement in society. even back in the 80's.
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I am rock n' roll to the core w/ a little metal thrown in there. Over the years my friends have inexplicably been sucked into to the hip hop vortex. Summer just isn't what it used to be. I am so sick of some slacked jawed poser mumbling bullshit about his car and the shit he drinks while some half-talented chick spews some lovey crap on the backing track. It's the same "song" over and over and they ALL suck.
dave_rhino said:
very naive response Peter. didnt expect that from you.

I understand there is a huge wide variety of music that could be termed as "hip hop" and I, nor my friends, have even scratched the surface, only the sugar coating that can be found in any form of today's popular music.

I'm just saying that my friends lately have been pummeling me over and over with the same unimaginative smattering of formulaic dreck that can be found on the radio today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of "rap", I like instruments, but yeah Dave Rhino, it seemed a little elementary what I was saying. So, to be clear, it's my friends, not popular hip hop, that are killing me. I'm sure there's some very creative, artistically rich hip hop music out there but I'll never hear it.