Who is the worst hip hop artist/group of all time!!!

I'm gonna go with ladylove, without adding anything else to it, because she said it perfectly.
Aaaaaaawwww, don't make me choose! If it doesn't have drums, and at least 1 guitar and 1 bass, it isn't a band.:2 cents:
90% of all Hip Hop artists are crap but they're on a hot label or know the right people.

I'm a fan of more underground Hip Hop or just flat out old school hardcore.
The original stuff that actually had some meaning to it.
As long as we're piling up a list of worst ever, along with some of them that have been mentioned, I think I would have to put Kriss Kross up there somewhere.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Well, I hate most of the rap out there.

Also, the stigma, or 'ruining' of various items due to their hippity hoppity promoters.. Hennessy, Kristal, Louis Vitton.. honestly, the clothes do NOT make the person wearing them any hint more classy. Hype. Overexposure. And also the fact that the shelf life of any rap song is about a month. As where I often like to hear songs throughout my 'proud, lasting' white history of music. I'm jewish, so you cant call me on the prejudice bit since every hate group is gunning for my people. :p But even though, everybody should be able to take pride in what they are. :)
Devastatin' Dave the Turntable Slave
Skeelo or whatever his name is/was.
His song (if you can call it that) went like.."I wish I was a little bit (something, something, something.)"
Who is the worst hip hop artist/group of all time!!!

Um...all of them.:ban:

Ok, that's a bit unfair.
I do occasionally like the odd song, but mostly I think it's poo.
looks like i find a place to fit in. everyone hates rap. dont know if the majority of you like metal, but as long as we all hate rap, i am happy.:)


It's good to be the king...
USNinc said:
90% of all Hip Hop artists are crap but they're on a hot label or know the right people.

I'm a fan of more underground Hip Hop or just flat out old school hardcore.
The original stuff that actually had some meaning to it.

While I don't agree with the percentage, I agree with your comments about old school hip-hop/rap.
I've argued ad nauseum in defence of hip-hop on previous threads, so some of you will know my position.

I'm for rap that promotes friendship and spirituality, as opposed to sex and money, which are the staple of mainstream rap songs. I'm not in favour of a music genre that promotes negative sterotyping of women or glorification of criminal lifestyles. Unfortunately for hip-hop at present, the awful (but catchy) mainstream crap sells and has a bigger appeal, thanks to the backing of major music labels.

But stating all hip-hop is bad is a lazy response, imo. I have my dislike of certain artists in other music genres - but I wouldn't make the mistake of assuming that said artists represented the entire genre.