I think Elvis "broke ground" in entertaining an audience. What he did (shaking his hips) basically gave simultaneous creamed pussies and boners to 1950s Beaver Cleaver America.
I am not an Elvis fan, he's before my time, and I think 1970s Elvis with the jumpsuit and the clown sunglasses, kinda ruins the Elvis Mystique for me. HOWEVER....I urge everyone to take the Graceland Tour in Memphis if you can. It really is an amazing experience and gives you a sense of how cool he was.
But, for me, Michael Jackson is the greatest entertainer I've ever seen, and I'm very certain I'll never see another American artist as ground-breaking as he was. Maybe somebody from some other country will break new ground.
I think he was his own worst enemy. I think the media "fed the monster" and he basically ruined himself in front of all of our eyes.
Don Rickles is the only standup comic who I would pay to see. I would go to Vegas tomorrow to see him. I think I've missed my chance seeing him though. But a standup comic is just a 1-dimensional performer.
Michael Jackson was a singer and dancer and nobody could out perform him. Nobody.