Who is in your avatar?


Retired Mod


Retired Mod
i wouldnt even know the first thing about making a signature or avatar

You could always just learn how to create one. It's not rocket science.

In the world of internet anonymity, avatars and signatures give you a tiny bit of insight into the personalities of the unknown people out there in cyberspace who You Might not otherwise have any clue about.

We all want to know a little about you, so make one damnit.:thumbsup::glugglug:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You could always just learn how to create one. It's not rocket science.

In the world of internet anonymity, avatars and signatures give you a tiny bit of insight into the personalities of the unknown people out there in cyberspace who You Might not otherwise have any clue about.

We all want to know a little about you, so make one damnit.:thumbsup::glugglug:

Mine is an inner-motivational speaker struggling to escape.
My Avatar is a picture of me from a couple of summers ago, helping out a charity by getting into a dunk tank. Any one wanna see me wet?