I don't really remember. I've read several books about him. He kept a lot of journals and they show a good deal of insight into his creative process, but these are usually only presented by his biographers or as pretexts in commentaries on his works. you should read his autobiography,Ecce Homo, that points to a lot of the things that I've been saying.
Also the version that I have of the Will To Power contains a ton of notation, and it's probably his most extensive published work. at least that I've seen.
i read ecce homo years ago, but i never read will to power. i've probably read about half of nietzsche's books, as well as various secondary material about him. one of the best books i read about nietzsche that deals with him in a comparative context is called Break-out from the Crystal Palace, The Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky. Stirner is considered a forerunner of Nietzsche in some ways and nietzsche said dostoyevsky was the only psychologist he ever learned anything from. good book.