According to Pat Robertson, Feminism is a "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians, and lesbians encourage straight women to abort their babies because lesbians will never have babies themselves." Try to follow that logic!
Well, I can try to turn that logic against him by using the same kind of rationalism to the Patriarchal system or Chauvinism... Something like "The Christian Right encourages men to chain their women to the stove and never let them leave the house." I think the people who listen to him are as closed-minded, narcissistic, and chauvinistic as he is. Some people just won't listen to other opinions.
Robertson's views mirror those of Jerry Falwell, who has made frequent appearances on The 700 Club. He agreed with Jerry Falwell that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were caused by "pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the ACLU and the People for the American Way."
The extreme nature of conservatism - not just the extremity of its rhetoric but the oppressiveness of its prescriptions for society - is clear enough in the conservatives' own literature, but American culture no longer has the categories to identify what it is. Indeed, one can hear fascism, never mind conservatism, on the radio any day of the week. But Americans have mostly forgotten what fascism even is, so that they can listen to fascist rhetoric and it will actually sound kind of fresh.
On his 700 Club, Pat Robertson has on two occasions suggested a nuclear attack against the United States government. In two interviews with the author of a book critical of the United States Department of State, Robertson made suggestions that the explosion of a nuclear weapon at State Department Headquarters would be good for the country.
"What we need is for somebody to place a small nuke at Foggy Bottom" Robertson said between prayers and advertisements on his nationwide television program. Foggy Bottom is the location of the State Department headquarters. State Department officials said they believed the comments to be in extremely bad taste, and have lodged official complaints against Robertson for his remarks.
It's these people that Georges, Dirty Sanchez and Ranger support fanatically, people who sounds as extreme as NAZIS AND FACISTS at times.
Well, I can try to turn that logic against him by using the same kind of rationalism to the Patriarchal system or Chauvinism... Something like "The Christian Right encourages men to chain their women to the stove and never let them leave the house." I think the people who listen to him are as closed-minded, narcissistic, and chauvinistic as he is. Some people just won't listen to other opinions.
Robertson's views mirror those of Jerry Falwell, who has made frequent appearances on The 700 Club. He agreed with Jerry Falwell that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were caused by "pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the ACLU and the People for the American Way."
The extreme nature of conservatism - not just the extremity of its rhetoric but the oppressiveness of its prescriptions for society - is clear enough in the conservatives' own literature, but American culture no longer has the categories to identify what it is. Indeed, one can hear fascism, never mind conservatism, on the radio any day of the week. But Americans have mostly forgotten what fascism even is, so that they can listen to fascist rhetoric and it will actually sound kind of fresh.
On his 700 Club, Pat Robertson has on two occasions suggested a nuclear attack against the United States government. In two interviews with the author of a book critical of the United States Department of State, Robertson made suggestions that the explosion of a nuclear weapon at State Department Headquarters would be good for the country.
"What we need is for somebody to place a small nuke at Foggy Bottom" Robertson said between prayers and advertisements on his nationwide television program. Foggy Bottom is the location of the State Department headquarters. State Department officials said they believed the comments to be in extremely bad taste, and have lodged official complaints against Robertson for his remarks.
It's these people that Georges, Dirty Sanchez and Ranger support fanatically, people who sounds as extreme as NAZIS AND FACISTS at times.