Who are the TOP 5 guys you would like to fuck the most!!!


Now I’m confused!

Do you mean to say that we’re all swift and impetuous or did you try to compare us to John Gay. I admit our writings are good, but surely not that good. Besides this is prose while J. G. wrote poetry if I’m not mistaking, yes?

Or, in my humble opinion, did you just try to point out how merry, joyous and lighthearted we all are.
Because if you did – then you are right.
How shrewd you must be to single that out.

I thank you on your compliment.



Closed Account
I talked about getting with guys in that thread, I said prince was hot, and I stand by that. I was making fun of ALL of us, cause it's funny.

Sorry to offend you though, not my intent at all dude. So you wanna make out?


I know you post in (and love) this thread, lol.
Was just throwing some sarcasm on your sarcasm.

The Prince idea was a good one :thumbsup:

So - do I want to make out? Now, I get that a lot but usualy from girls... Hmm... How should I 'put' this? Oh, wait, that comes later... If it comes to that at all, lol.

Sorry, mate, but I just got out of a relationship... Don't want to get involved... I'm sure you understand. And I assure you that when I do get back on track - you'll be the first person to call.

(is it working? It usually does with girls... Haven't tried it on a guy before, though) :rofl:

Good sense of humor, mate. Rare to find these days, unfortunately

x4g63x said:
So you wanna make out?

Dear x4g6sx:

I think all your posting was understood to be in jest. Never need to apologize here on this Thread. If so, I would be on my knees with hands folded 24/7. (I mean just take a look at the next paragraph:)

However, this is not a list to see who you want to make-out with though. Although, I do think your offer was awfully sweet and I do hope a private PM between you guys is in the offering.

Anyway, I think you have to create a list of 5 before you can legitimately ask such.



"Want to make out" is 'awfully sweet'?! :confused: And we didn't even buy each other a drink... Tsk-tsk.

If creating a list is a must before such a proposal is made than, x4g63x, by all means - take your time. 'When hell freezes over' would be perfect for me, lol.

Lisa, you are becoming some sort of a moderator for this thread. I support that idea.
But I have to tell you that I miss your musings. Us guys can always make fun and talk at the pub or some other place (not that you wouldn't be welcome - quite the opposite!) but it's really hard to find a witted, honest and gifted girl willing to share her thoughts in a place like this.
We miss that fresh air you always bring with your posts.

I mean - look at what you started - guys making proposals to other guys... At least you can participate in it, lol



Marlboro Man?! :confused:

I'm disapointed x4g63x...

But seriously - what are we doing, one must ask oneself - strating a gay community? It seems like it.

Lisa, Lisa... The things I will do to you for this ;)



Man, is this a weird thread. Not bad; not at all - I think. But weird.

I think it states one thing rather loud and rather clear - we need more non-adult industry women on this board.

I typed it (more or less) before; you leave men alone to chat amongst themselves for too long and the testosterone goes through the roof. Men need women around to balance things out.

IMO anyway.


And you couldn't be more right McRocket.

Perhaps that is the main reason Lisa doesn't post here as often as she did - to see how far our testosterone will get us, lol.

I'd say this is far enough. :rofl:

lisa lucie said:
Today my TOP 5 was changed just at posting time thanks to the advice of Mr.-Comes-With-Instructions, FreeOnes Mr. Peter Gazinya. He holds the bottom rung of my list by a nose ... and he better watch where he holds that nose too.

My TOP 5:

1. Narcissus - He would not make demands on me when I have a headache.

2. Kind of Diamonds - Not sure if he knows it, but he is also my best friend.

3. Charlie Tuna - We have a bit in common, he and I. He would love me whether I am all cleaned up or just in from running.

4. Mr. Clean - He practices safe sex.

5. Peter Gazinya in a twofer with Pinochio!

A girl may be able to do better, but I am quite pleased for at least 24 hours, and I would love to hear from anyone who dares he/she can top mine. Maybe we can even swap a few. That is always fun. I do have some extras that have not made the list yet.

Remember, if I were you, I would not repeat an entry with one on someone's existing list. So read the lists in the many postings above to be sure. That is not my rule. That is a FreeOnes rule, I think ... well, at least someone told me it was anyway ... and he told me he read it somewhere. Not sure, really ... better use SEARCH for that bit of fact finding mission and get back with me.

One exception to above suggestion: There is a guy above that does repeat "me" again and again, but I don't think he is refering to either you or me, so you can pick "me" if you like, but not me, as I am female ... pick "me" if you mean you but not him and only if you are male. He confuses me a lot but I think he knew it would and he teases ... well, he teases ..... "me".

I am honored, however briefly, to remain hanging by a thread in the top 5. At the risk of sounding sycophantic or downright creepy I must mention I am jealous of #3, Charlie Tuna. I have always had a thing for the musky, natural scent of a woman in motion. Come home from the gym and let's get right to it, no need for any shower or body spray. There's no finer devious little turn on than nature's essence.

Now, in the spirit of fairness and breathing a little life into the thread, I present the following list. Top 5 women I've never met but would like to fuck just because I find their personalities quite interesting.

1. Juliette Lewis - Totally fucking nuts, a night with her would be a guaranteed circus. "I'm here for the gang bang" (Movie: Old School) does not seem that far off.

2. Alicia Keys - Immensely talented and highly intelligent, firmly self aware and in command of her own destiny. Drop dead gorgeous doesn't hurt either.

3. Lisa Lucie - Her unique writing style and the subject of said writing I find quite interesting. Off the wall command of the english language indicates a complex and open mind, vanilla is definitely not her favorite flavor. Translation: Anything goes.

4. Maria Bartiromo - host and managing editor of CNBC's "The Wall Street Journal Report with Maria Bartiromo". I've always wanted to receive sound financial advice from a gorgeous 37 year old market guru, while she was sitting on my face.

5. Arianna Huffington - A little too old, I know but she's got a strange accent and a to-the-point realistic sociopolitical wizardry that captivates me. She had me at the word "cocksucker" when she said it on "Real Time with Bill Maher". Now y'all know just how fucked in the head I am. :glugglug: :pimpdaddy:


Charlie the Tuna's friend (whatever his name was):

'But Charlie! Starkist don't want tuna's with good taste. Starkist wants tuna's that taste good!'

Disembodied voice 'Sorry Charlie. Only the best tasting tuna gets to be Starkist.'


Peter Gazinya said:
Now y'all know just how fucked in the head I am.

Hey, mate, I think you forgot to put in "- just like the rest of you, fellas, are." at the end of that sentence. :rofl:

Haven't you been paying attention Mr. No.5? Each poster on this thread is either partially or completely "diagonally parked in a parallel universe".
Few examples:
1. x4g63x asked me to make out,
2. In-4-mant posted a list with him on all five places,
3. Myself - well, the texts you have read so far are just the tip of the iceberg...
And the list goes on...

Normal guys are not especially appreciated on this thread, and, in turn, this thread is not especially appreciated by them either.

Relax, mate. Your list is by far the most normal yet (for a guy). Not as amusing as Lisa's lists, but those cannot be beaten anyway, in my honest opinion.

If I ever make a list of five non-adult-industry-related women, It will probably be nothing like your's (different tastes) but No. 3 would have been the same :thumbsup:

But since this is the top 5 guys thread... Maybe our 'moderator' will allow us to do something like that after all ;)
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MoonEye said:
Maybe our 'moderator' will allow us to do something like that after all ;)

Yeah I'm hoping so, I just figured we might need some new material :glugglug:


LOL!! :rofl: Maybe Lisa realized just how crazy we all really are and decided not to post here anymore. That would be ironic! :rofl:

Lisa - you are one of a kind (in a good way, by all means, and no matter weather you are posting or not), and I trust that if each of us was to make a 'top 5 girls' list - you'd be on everyones. Peter's and mine for sure :thumbsup:
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Honestly guys ... I just don't know what to say. I take one little bitie incy tiny step into asking a simple question and I get a complex answer that goes well beyond my vanilla flavoring tastes as Mr. Gazinya states. (I am #3 and I try real real hard in his book). Some of you may know I am trying to earn my Lucie Lee Ph D from FreeOnes U. and they told me I had to publish or perish.

............ Don't take not posting on these threads as not reading ......... think of it as reloading! .......... But really don't know where to shoot!

I don't feel outnumbered ... heck there could not be more that 10 guys submitting on this thread ... but any help at all from any thing remotely feminine would be a great help to me ... any thing at all feminine ... Aren't battleships and such named after women. I'll take one if they are. Hurricanes used to be, but they turned on me a bit.

By the way, in keeping with the Thread's Theme, I am looking for a place to put Noah Webster on my TOP 5 as I love a good lexicographer as he would leave just enough room to squeeze other than a few words in my mouth.


Closed Account
I have never understood how people get embarrassed, or self concious. Nothing gets me that way, not even talking about kissing a guy. I really don't care about society or the status quo. I like make people laugh, and do what no one has before.

If I ever do kiss a guy, I'll take a pic for you Lisa. :)
You know, I had really no intention of truely reading these post's. As I started to glance through these jumbled thoughts, I started to notice a trend, a quite surprising one at that. I noticed how well thought out and written ,most of these post's are. There are a few who just put "me, me, me" and so on into thier post. Mostly though, there have been some very well written things. To those of you who have actually taken the trime to write something well thought out I applaud you. Thank you for using the english language amd not the "MTV" language. That includes you too Lisa Lucie.


Hey x4g63x,

Let me know when you actually grab a guy’s ass.
I still can’t believe that a friend of mine actually did that… To me, lol. I just stood paralyzed. :rofl:

But seriously, you do have to discern the type of people who find that amusing and maybe even pipe in some comment of their own from those who find such things ‘disturbing’ (as they describe it).
Trust me; I make such jokes on daily bases as well as 60-70% of my male friends do (as well as a few female ones). But there are people who simply do not appreciate that.
Oh, well, their loss…
Tell you what – if that ass in pink undies on your avatar is you – you’re on. (No changing the avatar, now.) :thumbsup:

And Togath,

This thread has become the playground for gifted writers.
I will not be as arrogant as to assume my treads were included in your praise, but I will say that I agree with you regarding the type of language used on this board.
The true English, or rather – the real English language is rare to find in use these days. Like every other language it is being butchered by the need of the young people to shorten the sentence since they’re always ‘in a hurry’, or just plain lazy to speak normally. Hence the once rare thing called ‘slang’ is now widely accepted and is becoming a legitimate language. Shame…

I apologize for any mistakes in the texts since English is far from my native tongue. I have put all my efforts into trying not to be consumed by the easiness of ‘slang’ but to be charmed by the beauty of the old English. I like to think that I’ve succeeded in this regard…

All the best :thumbsup:
x4g63x said:
If I ever do kiss a guy, I'll take a pic for you Lisa. :)

Well, I think the last time I kissed a guy was in school ... He and a bunch of bullies held me down and until I kissed him. I think they also stoled my lunch money as I could not find it at lunch time, but I had really lost my appetite as a result and just took a bite of Buford's apple. (This was way before I found out he had Cooties, but the Cooties were Type A and were NOT the contagious kind. We never kissed, but one time he held my hand on accident when I shared some licorice with him. Really a non-incident and cannot believe I even remember it now. He is a doctor now in Prague. I keep up with him occasionally. We have yet to kiss. His Cooties are still in remission.)

Since that time, I hold the guys down until they kiss me ... but typically don't take photos of it as it does paint a pretty dirty picture for sure. And not sure about your society, but girls are not supposed to beat up boys here. .......... So no need for a picture from you as I know the look of it from first hand experience and it ain't pretty.

Now, I have had some lovely kisses, but only a painter could capture them and only if he had all the colors of the rainbow and only a writer could describe them ....... A camera does nothing for them and even my memory of these perfect kisses become the ultimate blurry image.
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