Ah now this is where it becomes interesting. You need to go back to my post and read it again, where I said when they had the opportunity. In 2010 do you think Whites get away with lynchings with help from the local authorities?
I would say no, and neither do black people or any other group here in the U.S.
Now let's talk about what DOES happen, and that's groups of people beating the hell out of, raping or killing individuals as people who should know better either don't intervene or give tacit approval. What else happens, folks deliberately target one group for beatings, rape and murder based on their skin color-we're ignoring other types of bias here.
How many cases can we think of in the last 20 years where Whites targeted blacks? There are a bunch of high profile cases we can think of, possibly the worst being the dragging and dismemberment death going on in Texas.
There are even more cases of blacks targeting white victims. On top of that, we also have a huge disparity in rapes. Note that Hate Crime laws aren't applied uniformly across the country, so there are several cases where race may have been a factor (indicating bias) where all of the suspects were not charged with hate crimes.
I'll contend that in in the case of African Americans, we also see times where Adults make excuses and cover up for violent crimes by juveniles. This indicates a level of community approval or solidarity on racial lines that continues even into acceptance of group violence as long as the victims aren't black.
http://www.philly.com/inquirer/loca..._she_s_learned_from_last_year_s_mistakes.html At the bottom here you'll read a short reference to the anti-Asian pogrom in a South Philadelphia school.
In my opinion, this is a modern remnant no longer found in other groups (though killing of black people by Mexican gangs qualifies) and as close as you'll find to lynching in 2010. So why is this so much more common among blacks than non-blacks?
1. Overt, community sanctioned racism is beyond taboo among all groups. White especially seeing that Whites are the majority, the White left is the most robust and self-critical and because Whites perpetrated it the most.
2. Blacks were objectified and lionized by the left sort of the way Native Americans were turned into the "Noble Savage" or the "Dying Celt" by the White left. Black racism has been ignored or legitimized by leftist academics and the center-left mainstream.
With that said, it's important to restate that it's not that the vast majority of Whites have "seen the light" (though most White people aren't racist) it's that the COST of overt racism has become too high for White people. It's too high for other groups too. It's only now becoming too costly for black people.