which would you rather see eradicated, cancer or AIDS?

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Torn & Frayed.
So cancer gets my vote. Too many people die from it who shouldn't. Exceptions obviously are people who smoke and get lung cancer...
So,smokers deserve to die from lung cancer? I'll keep that in mind.......
Crazy, I usually agree with you but not this time. PR and BM are right we're about 4 to 5 billion over the limit right now. There's people all over the world starving and living in filth which is causing more disease and will probably be the incubator for the big one that ultimately wipes out most of humanity anyway.

The way I see it, the reason so many of those people are starving and living in filth is not because the planet lacks adequate resources to support them. It is usually because of political reasons or because some areas of the world still haven't learned the technologies needed to support a larger population.

There are places where dictators are living in total luxury and the people around them are starving due to corruption and military control by those dictators.

There are also places where they still haven't learned farming and animal husbandry techniques like we have in America and Europe. These places also suffer from inadequate medical knowledge, and even things we take for granted such as plumbing and sanitary disposal of sewage. As those people learn more of what we have discovered, their standard of living and life expectancy will rise.

There is also plenty of land. All you have to do is fly from L.A. to New York and watch out the window of the airlpane as you go. Much of America is still undeveloped. The same could probably be said for Russia, Africa, and South America.

I could be wrong, but that's my :2 cents:

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Oh yes, how could I forget the "all plagues and diseases exist as population control" statement. Population control is gonna be my plea whenever they stumble upon the mountain of corpses I left back in....well, maybe it's best I be quiet for the moment :D

I see nothing, I hear nothing!

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
The way I see it, the reason so many of those people are starving and living in filth is not because the planet lacks adequate resources to support them. It is usually because of political reasons or because some areas of the world still haven't learned the technologies needed to support a larger population.

There are places where dictators are living in total luxury and the people around them are starving due to corruption and military control by those dictators.

There are also places where they still haven't learned farming and animal husbandry techniques like we have in America and Europe. These places also suffer from inadequate medical knowledge, and even things we take for granted such as plumbing and sanitary disposal of sewage. As those people learn more of what we have discovered, their standard of living and life expectancy will rise.

There is also plenty of land. All you have to do is fly from L.A. to New York and watch out the window of the airlpane as you go. Much of America is still undeveloped. The same could probably be said for Russia, Africa, and South America.

I could be wrong, but that's my :2 cents:

They're good points Crazy. I think as much of the planet as possible should stay undeveloped though, if for nothing else the oxygen it creates. Technology to turn deserts into farm land should be a priority.


Is somewhere outhere.
I would say Cancer as you can protect yourself against Aids but it
would be better if both were wiped off the face of the earth :)
I got the cure for AIDS... a condom
So, the thing to do to erdicate cancer is to eradicate religions because all religious leader tell their followers "Don't use condoms" :facepalm:

So 1st thing top do to eradicate war is to eradicate religions, 1st thing to eradicate AIDS is to eradicate religions... So, what are we wainting for ?!

Elwood70 said:
So,smokers deserve to die from lung cancer? I'll keep that in mind.......
Off course they do !everybody knows smoking is unhealthy, in many countries it is wrtitteng "SMOKING KILLS" on the cigarettes packs, in some, there are some photos of a lung or throat cancer but som many people are so stupid they keep on smoking...

Somking people suffering of lung or throath cancer shouldn't have their cure refunded by social security,

If you're stupid enough to get you dose of poison everyday, don't complain the day you realised you've been poisoned...


Was King of the Board for a Day
I got the cure for AIDS... a condom

(I understand some folks get it from blood transfusions, but +90% can be stopped by condoms. Have a look at cuba, they quarentined all their AIDS victims and they have the lowest rate in the Carribean!)

And yet, that still leaves out a big part of how it can be transmitted. It can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. How the mother may have gotten it is besides the point, but what is the child supposed to do if they get it upon just being born?

exactly my point: its behavioral.

So it's behavioral that a newborn child may get AIDS because it wasn't practicing safe sex?
So it's behavioral that a newborn child may get AIDS because it wasn't practicing safe sex?

1) that's a small percent of those that get the disease.

2) like ARy noted, if people weren't so godamn stupid about shit and didn't produce when they are unhealthy and/or unable to take care for and medicate their children like those of us the the 21st, too bad, life's a bitch.