which would you rather see eradicated, cancer or AIDS?

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Neither. Both are forms of population control, which is a necessity. If every person born into this world lived to be 90-100 years old, the population would greatly exceed the long term carrying capacity of the environment, ultimately causing much worse problems.

It might seem like that if you live in California, but there is PLENTY of room for a lot more people in this world.

I'd rather get rid of cancer. That takes out a lot more innocent people.


Official Checked Star Member
Cancer. Most cancers you can't prevent, and even if you do everything right, sometimes you still get it. Cancer is cruel, and unforgiving.

If you're a dumbass and don't use protection and get aids, you deserve it and have it coming. You can prevent AIDs, and as a human race, if we cared enough, could almost eliminate AIDS entirely within a century or two. But since we're a selfish, self indulging and stupid society, it'll keep being passed on.

So cancer gets my vote. Too many people die from it who shouldn't. Exceptions obviously are people who smoke and get lung cancer, or tan and get skin cancer (those people are as stupid as those who don't wrap their weiners before fucking a hoe and have it coming too)...

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Crazy, I usually agree with you but not this time. PR and BM are right we're about 4 to 5 billion over the limit right now. There's people all over the world starving and living in filth which is causing more disease and will probably be the incubator for the big one that ultimately wipes out most of humanity anyway.
A friend who I hadn't talked to since I was a kid got in a car accident about 2 years ago. During the MRI to make sure she was okay, they found she had ovarian cancer. She was 21. She got chemo and is now fine.

It was god that cured your friend. Not doctors or chemo.
Aids. Honestly, that's about the only way the mess in Africa is going to get cleared up. I've lost quite a few family members to cancer, but I think Aids is doing way more damage to the world.

Think it's just promiscuity? Sorry, but then you're fucking stupid. Go ahead, disagree with me, and negative rep me. Aids is the biggest epidemic in the world right now. At the moment something like 1 in 3 have Aids in most of Africa. Holy. Fucking. Shit. No way that is going to get solved without some kind of cure.
Cancer. Most cancers you can't prevent, and even if you do everything right, sometimes you still get it. Cancer is cruel, and unforgiving.

If you're a dumbass and don't use protection and get aids, you deserve it and have it coming. You can prevent AIDs, and as a human race, if we cared enough, could almost eliminate AIDS entirely within a century or two. But since we're a selfish, self indulging and stupid society, it'll keep being passed on.

So cancer gets my vote. Too many people die from it who shouldn't. Exceptions obviously are people who smoke and get lung cancer, or tan and get skin cancer (those people are as stupid as those who don't wrap their weiners before fucking a hoe and have it coming too)...

Oh come now, that isn't exactly fair. Some people get it from spouses or significant others who may have cheated on them. And what about all of those botched blood transfusions? Also, in most AIDS cases, the person who hasn't had no clue that they had it.

Also, according to this poll, the coldest and most genocidal bastards on this forum are Bearded_Menace, GregCentauro, Icecold322, STDiva, and Vlad The Impaler


Official Checked Star Member
Oh come now, that isn't exactly fair. Some people get it from spouses or significant others who may have cheated on them. And what about all of those botched blood transfusions? Also, in most AIDS cases, the person who hasn't had no clue that they had it.

The only sympathy I hold is for the spouses who get cheated on, or had a health professional fuck up. But I can't feel sorry for those who don't know they have aids. Sexual health is everyones responsibility, and it should be everyones responsibility to get tested yearly so the spreading of shit like this doesn't happen. I get tested for STD's every 6 months, regardless of if I'm sexually active at the time or not. Men and women both should do this...especially men, because most STD's in men don't even have symptoms, so men might not ever know they have something and will unknowingly spread it to countless partners. Most cases of STD's can be prevented, but aren't because stupidity always prevails. :2 cents:
A friend who I hadn't talked to since I was a kid got in a car accident about 2 years ago. During the MRI to make sure she was okay, they found she had ovarian cancer. She was 21. She got chemo and is now fine.

My point is that while AIDS may be more easily prevented, it's still the disease with no cure or real forms of treatment. By the same token, you could say that cancer is easily prevented by not smoking, drinking, etc. That may not stop all forms of cancer, but the fact of the matter is, substances can have a big impact on the development of cancerous cells.

and yet we are sending billions into Africa to keep millions alive probably into their 40s, only so they can be sexually active that entire time with god knows how many partners. sorry, the logic is so completely flawed. and btw, i think malaria is just as big a killer in addition to a whole bunch of other shit in places like Africa.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
i get tested at the industry standard places at the tune of $110/pop its not cheap. and i say that so that i can step on a shitload of toes here and assert the claim that "aids" itself is not real. hiv is a virus that weakens your immune system and that is real, but nobody in the history of the planet has ever died of "aids" in and of itself.

all those african countries with high "aids" rates had people dying of malaria from bad water etc for years and this still is the case. if you go to the hospital and have pneumonia and don't make it out, they will say you died of pneumonia. if you go there and have hiv, with the same pneumonais they will say you died of aids. its a word game if you ask me. if anything the "aids" thing is a bilking racket for all the testing/education/etc/etc. has nothing to do with population control, etc, which is why magic johnson suddenly no longer has it. he never had it in the first place because its not real. flame away its almost 9/11

Don't ask why I don't even know myself...:dunno:
Cancer without a doubt. AIDS is horrible but it can be avoided more easily.
You can get cancer simply because it runs in your family. They don't even know for sure how and where it comes from because there are so many different forms and mutations.
AIDS is horrible but it can be avoided more easily.
Tell this to these born kinds HIV positive just because their mother was.
They've done nothing wrong, they're just paying the hard price from their mum's mistake...

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Oh come now, that isn't exactly fair. Some people get it from spouses or significant others who may have cheated on them. And what about all of those botched blood transfusions? Also, in most AIDS cases, the person who hasn't had no clue that they had it.

Also, according to this poll, the coldest and most genocidal bastards on this forum are Bearded_Menace, GregCentauro, Icecold322, STDiva, and Vlad The Impaler

Don't forget Plump Rump!:1orglaugh

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
How about we keep both of those and eradicate poor people instead?
I got the cure for AIDS... a condom

(I understand some folks get it from blood transfusions, but +90% can be stopped by condoms. Have a look at cuba, they quarentined all their AIDS victims and they have the lowest rate in the Carribean!)