Since they are such a small market most people don't know about the whiniest most arrogant fans in all of sports: fans of the University of Utah
I lived in 7 different states and 3 countries (always following the local sports teams) and NEVER have I been more turned off by a fanbase
I moved to Salt Lake City about a year ago and was baffled by the worship the fans here have of their 2008 Sugar Bowl Championship team. T-shirts are still proudly worn, DVDs of the recorded game are still sold, and large murals honoring the "Sugar Bowl Champions" litter all the sports bars in the area.
Hey look, yeah you guys pulled off and awesome upset, against the SEC runner-up

; take a lesson from Boise State in becoming the "likable underdog" and get over yourselves.
The Mountain West is not as tough as the SEC or Big-12
Going undefeated doesn't mean you are the number one team
Having five or six good seasons doesn't make you a "powerhouse program"
As much as I hate Mormons, living in SLC a year has still turned me to the BYU side of your "amazing rivalry" with the dumbest name ever. (seriously 'Holy War'?!?!?! dumbest name ever)