Which Sports Team Has The Most Annoying Fans

- I don't mind the Eagles but most of their fans, it seems, don't even know how to back their own team. This annoys me personally to no end.

- The Chargers faithful are deluded by the media hounds that follow the team, sorry pals who like them, but you ain't ever gonna win anything big. I guess the media lapdog fanboys are the ones who annoy me everytime they start to win a few games. SuperBowl!

- As a fan of the Montreal Canadians, to an extent, I agree many of us can be obnoxious, overzealous, windbags with a stupid ole, ole anthem which... god I wish they'd shut up.

- As a Packer fan I gotta say I do respect my nemesis Viking fans... they know how to back their team. :thumbsup:
Nebraska Conhuskers - supposedly the best fans in college football. That is, until they start losing then give death threats to their defensive coordinator.
But how can you not like the Canucks? They're dandy!

You probably know better than I do how annoying hockey fans can be if they cheer for a different team. I have to put up with Calgary and Edmonton fans bitching about how they're better cause they've won the Cup twenty years ago and how they're future is so bright cause they've been bombing for years. It's really annoying. At least Maple Leaf fans know that their team sucks. Edmonton and (expecially) Calgary fans are living in denial.

I don't not like them like I said they are alright. I'm good with the Canucks as a team no problems with them or their fans.

Not the toronto fans I know. Most of them keep talking about the good old days (they never saw)when they didn't suck ass or that they will win the cup this year and all I can do is laugh. That is true I run into them as well.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
You will probably find this funny Luke cause I've heard Bostonians feel the same way; New York based Redsox fans are fucking idiots.

Actually Red Sox fans anywhere can be downright annoying, but then again I am not a huge fan of baseball. Oh and and when it comes to soccer/football I cannot stand male Brazilian fans arogant little fucks that they, the women are all good because you don't know if they are wearing a shirt or body paint. that looks like


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Cowboys and Ohio State. the Cowboys have one playoff win in the last decade plus. That is three fewer than the Arizona Cardinals. When the Cowboys become relevant in something besides the ESPN airwaves, I will be more tolerant. I doubt I will ever be tolerant of Buckeyes fans.
- The Chargers faithful are deluded by the media hounds that follow the team, sorry pals who like them, but you ain't ever gonna win anything big. I guess the media lapdog fanboys are the ones who annoy me everytime they start to win a few games. SuperBowl!

Sunday the SD paper had a front page article on the Chargers labeled "Super Bowl or Bust". Where do I go to lay down a bet on bust?
1.) Raiders fans......seriously guys, why do you dress up like a bunch of fag pirates?
2.) Philly fans, any sport.....and I am from the area originally, so I am allowed to rip on my fellow brothers.....when people get hurt and you cheer, or booing Santa Fucking Claus, there's a problem.
3.) Arizona Diamondbacks fans......your team makes it to the post season....all the way to the NLCS......and you still can't fill the stadium?! You don't deserve the team, and the way they are playing right now, even a couple of years later, it shows.

Those are my top three. :2 cents:
NCAA: Michigan Wolverines
NFL: Steelers and Eagles
NHL: Montreal and NY Rangers
MLB: Yanks and Cubs
NBA: Lakers and Celtics