Which movie sequels were better than their originals?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol





^ Good choice, I thought to add it but I wasn't sure if I wanted to. Plus I figured someone of similar ilk would come along and do so.


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I may be alone in this, but I didn't like Aliens or any of the sequels. Alien was a suspenseful horror sci fi film, the sequals were action sci fi films. Just personal taste.
"The Empire Strikes Back" is when "Star Wars " embraced the Dark Side . It was fantastic viewing at the time and even now.
Darth Vader revealed as Luke's father. The fact that the father injures the son in a light sabre duel in Lando City - classic ....

"The Godfather 2" Two words .....Al Pacino if he showed Michael 's reluctance in taking over the family business in the orginal, then all that got blown away in the sequel even to the point of having his older brother killed after his mother's funeral oooooooo cccrrrrriiiccckkkyyyy , in the backdrop of Castro's rise in Cuba. We saw the early history of the Corleones in New York . A younger Vito before he built up his olive oil business and what he had to do to protect his family and friends. Then the family trip back to Sicily where we discover Vito took the name of the actual town as his surname, settling a score with someone who tormented his father. Two of who are acknowledged to be the finest actors in Cinema are in Godfather 2. One is Al Pacino. The other plays the younger version of Vito Corleone- Robert De Niro.

"Star Trek 2 - The Wrath of Khan" - magnificent . I think "The Wrath of Khan" came out around the same time as "The Empire Strikes Back" and does for the Star Trek franchise what "Empire" did for "Star Wars". "Wrath of Khan" ends with the death of a venerable character who would come back again in the next film.

Another aspect which made these sequels extremely well received and acknowledged as blockbusters was the music and scores used in their production.
The music added to the sense of danger and foreboding by injecting darkness and conflict otherwise we would not be talking about these movies in 2014
Especially the case for "Star Wars 2 " and "Star Trek 2 "
"The Empire Strikes Back" is when "Star Wars " embraced the Dark Side . It was fantastic viewing at the time and even now.
Darth Vader revealed as Luke's father. The fact that the father injures the son in a light sabre duel in Lando City - classic ....

It's been a couple of years since I've seen the The Empire Strikes Back but the differences between the rest of the Star Wars films and in particular the gawd-awful prequels is stark. It really doesn't fit. What is most memorable for me is not any of the dialogue (it seemed minimal) but the imagery and just the feel for lack of a better description. Like I said earlier, it was almost dreamlike. From what I understand, it was a different director from all of the other films. To me, this was those one-of-a-kind movies like Blade Runner that will never be matched no matter how many sequels or reboots come down the line.
Wrath Of Khan and The Empire Strikes Back are the obvious answers, and I personally think the modern parallels line up the same ; Attack Of The Clones is superior to the rather rubbish The Phantom Menace and Into Darkness is better than the still-rather-good Star Trek. I actually think these days there is a growing trend with superhero/comic inspired films where everything is episodic and a follow-up is, by design, "bigger" than its predecessor, and usually I find if I enjoyed the first film and things haven't been tinkered with too much, the follow up is better. I feel that way of The Dark Knight, Iron Man 2, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and others, and just as X-Men 2 was better than the first, if we consider Days Of Future Past to be a sequel to First Class, I personally think it's a better film.

I also consider Batman Returns to be better than Batman but I may be biased because of Michelle Pfeiffer's turn as Catwoman.
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IMO From Russia With Love is better than Dr No and many consider it the best Bond movie.
For a Few Dollars More is better than A Fist Full of Dollars.