Which members are from Canada, Eh?!

I really want to live in Toronto and after my damn school is over, i move there!! Oh, i am a Maple Leaf fan (my Canadian friend poisoned me -lol-)!!

I'm Canadian :) Glad to see more canadians here.


Staff member
Yes I am! I was raised in Toronto, a city that I truly love. In fact I'll be visiting there this June. I can't wait!!! Oh Canada.........


I was wondering if you speak russian??? :lovecoupl
I am a prairie guy, so Toronto is a once in awhile type of trip, I went there last fall, but won't be able to see Nikki or fox....I guess the web will suffice.
Canadians Here?

Well, since there's so many bullshit threads anyway, I may as well add to the pile. So heres a thread for all us Canucks to flock to. So whoever lives in the land of the chill post here! Also open discussion is welcome.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Re: Canadians Here?

Wasnt there already a thread for all the Canadians here?

Yeah, Im pretty sure....All the Canadians said something like "Canada, eh?!" or "Yeah here Im from Canada"...

then we shut the door and never let them out again. :thumbsup: :D
Re: Canadians Here?

Wasnt there already a thread for all the Canadians here?

Yeah, Im pretty sure....All the Canadians said something like "Canada, eh?!" or "Yeah here Im from Canada"...

then we shut the door and never let them out again. :thumbsup: :D

BAH. Thread jackin hippe. LOL You wanna be Canadian too?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Canadians Here?

then we shut the door and never let them out again. :thumbsup: :D

Yeah... We broke out. :thumbsup:

I'm from all the way in Saskatchewan. Booyah.
Re: Canadians Here?

Sorry to interrupt, but I live in the northernmost state that does not have road access directly across to Canada. This means if you guys are planning an invasion, I will be oh so tantalizingly close, but still have fair warning to evacuate. I will not be a political prisoner!!! Nah-nah!!!
Re: Canadians Here?

It could be an idea to add some canadian pornstars name in this topic :D

