Shit happens to ya' when in "World Domination" mode like Japan was at the time.
The nukes saved thousands upon thousand american soldiers lives as opposed to an invasion of mainland Japan.
Harry had to do it !!
Yep ever since the first bush was in office, 2 more to go. Then maybe we can get a president in office who can clean up the fuckin mess the 2 bushes made! That way we won't have to worry about who's gonna nuke who first!Also the Americans have been on "World Domination Mode" for some time...
No, you still "don't get it." It saved millions of Japanese civilians!I don't think so. Dropping the bomb was a war crime... Killing civilians on purpose is a war crime. Yes, it saved thousands of american soldiers. But to achieve that thousands of japanese civilians were killed.
Back in 1945, everyone on the planet was rather ignorant on what kind of harm these things caused longer-term. That's why in the late '40s, the US reversed many, many policies. We could have used nukes again in many engagements, when we were the only ones with them -- but we did not.The USA are the only ones who have done it so far. If they think it helps them they will do it again.
No offense, but I'm tired of this. Tactical nukes have always existed, and both the US and Russians have used them! They are designed for under-ground or under-water concussion.Aren't they working on so-called "Mini-nukes"?
Almost, what Americans have had since WWII is "don't leave the world to Europe to fuck up." No offense, we might be wrong on many things, but were you guys any better before? Besides, if you're British, US national interest is very much yours too. Doesn't matter who's on Downing Street, you're PM is going to support the US in securing material and other needs for your economy, because our two economies are linked.Also the Americans have been on "World Domination Mode" for some time...
I know, and thanx for pointing that out.Im not gonna disagree with any of the important points but can i jus t please remind you that 'european' countries do not like to be generalised as one entity called 'europe'. understandably, 'europe' is a continent and it has a european union. off tangent there, sorry.
And this has been the major fear by most western intelligence for the last 25 years, even before both nations had nukes.i am 99% sure that Pakistan/India will use a nuke first, and i am convinced pakistan before india. there relationship has been cuthroat yet neither side is set to devulge into a large scale war.... yet. akistans current government is the only reason that a full fledge nuclear war has not happened yet. i heard on the news the other day that up to 75% of pakistinians are unhappy with the current government, and many assasination attempts have been had on the current leader(s). once this heirarchy loses its footing at the top, the radicals will take over and then i believe the first nuclear strike will happen, poossibly leading to a world war
Or how about India before that? Of course! Not just out of preventing proliferation, but out of the fact that in a state-against-state war, India and Pakistan are the two most likely nations to use them against one another.or the US and Europe were against Pakistan nuke program???
There's a lot of things I don't like about Truman. I don't like how he handled dropping the bomb. It had to happen for a variety of reasons -- some, sadly, geo-political.
And then as we learned about all the "extra effects" in the years that followed Manhattan and the two drops, he then tried to "make up for it" with the Atoms for Peace document. The $2B (literally hundreds of billions of USD today) blueprint on all you need to refine uranium and build an apparatus for a reaction -- including a critical reaction that has no use for anything but weapons.
That document has been the basis for creation of every atomic weapons program in every rogue regime. So the US itself is most guilty for giving away the most basic of nuclear weapons design information. Sigh. We are just too naive and giving at times, not realizing it can and will be used against us by that small minority.
where do your sources come from? From liberal medias or michael moore faked reports? Because according to you those who win the 2nd world war lied about what happened?The Japanese soliders wouldn't have surrendered and were some real fanatics. The Japanese were warned and were offered to surrender but they didn't want to listen. Who attacked America the 7th December 1941? The Japanese.Well, where do those estimates come from? From very reliable sources? Yes, but reliable American sources. Or reliable ally sources. Like I always say, to the victors go the spoils and the right to write the history books, which means everything we believe now, everything we have "proof" and "estimates" and "alternative scenarios" for are affected, influenced, even DICTATED by what those victors began to paint for us at the moment the war was won, and constantly since then. We reinforce those ideas for themselves. I am one of those who believes, like many Europeans do, that Japan was on the verge of surrender, within days, and that knowing this, America dropped the bombs as a test and a show of power, because one week later there would have been no war to drop them as a part of. There are "estimates" and "evidence" for these theories too: we were taught them in our schools, in our history classes (at least I was), we were shown "proof" from both sides of this argument, whereas in America, because America was the offending nation, only the American version of events is given in schools. Never is it even suggested that those bombs may have been dropped as a show of strength or a test on humans with the war already virtually over.
Just because you find those theories so preposterous, would lead me to believe that you (like most Americans) were heavily influenced by the "American" version of history, and if I were you I would consider than every nation and political mindset has their own version of any given historical event, and unless you were there, no amount of statistics can prove your points: just because those proofs can easily be manipulated, and statistics can be found to refute ANY statistics, the truth is absolutely subjective, and no matter WHAT we believe about the past, our beliefs are just those: BELIEFS... none of us can say: "this is what happened"... even if you were there (which none of us were anyway), you weren't inside the minds of the men making the decisions, and therefore we will never ever ever ever ever truly know.
Those who win any war bend the truth to paint themselves as reluctant (or not) heroes, and as the good guys when there are rarely any good guys in war, although if one war came close to having "good guys" it would have been WWII. Still, because Hitler is notoriously evil, does that make those that stood against him good? Many regard Churchill and Truman as heroes, but I question that title for those particular men.
Anyway, you asked about my sources. Well, about the whole "did the US need to drop the bombs, why did they, what was the alternative", those are very common theories as I've said before. My sources are really all from my education - high school and college level history classes and journalism classes.
In Twentieth Century history in England with Richard Matthews at Peers School, Oxford, we focused on events such as those two bombs. In an American school, it may have been a case of "this is why we dropped the bombs, thank god", in our classes, it was more like, an open and long-winded debate between students about the merits and morals of that decision. After the class had decided to agree or disagree, then we would look at sources - Japanese sources, German sources, British sources, French sources, Russian and American sources, and neutral sources, and we would try to piece together "the truth". All I can tell you is, every nation has its own version of truth, and even within nations there are different versions. There were many sources to back up both "truths" about these incidents, as well as other truths, such as those somewhere in between the two.
In Journalism classes in college, we specifically looked at how anti-nuclear media manipulated world war two history in one direction, and how pro-american patriot media manipulated history grossly in the other direction. The truth in these circumstances is usually somewhere between the two: not far left like me, and not far right like you. But I believe, in this case, the war was not nearly over, or potentially over, but ACTUALLY over. There are documents to support ACTUAL SURRENDERS by the Japanese leaders. Of course they may be false. But there's no reason to believe them false any more than there is reason to believe the American version of "what would have happened if we hadn't..." is false. I happen to believe that the war was already over, because of what I've seen and read, and not least because I know what the American government is, now, and was, then, capable of.
Sincerely - Fox
Not just one-half million US troops, but millions of Japanese civilians. Americans had enough of seeing Japanese civilians kill themselves, or at least try to get themselves killed, in the island hopping campaign.I'm not entirely certain which thread I'm replying to, but, thanks to the unprecedented executive decision made by Harry Truman, an estimated one-half million U.S. lives were spared. Dare to defy that.
Not just one-half million US troops, but millions of Japanese civilians. Americans had enough of seeing Japanese civilians kill themselves, or at least try to get themselves killed, in the island hopping campaign.
Georges my friend - you are as predictable as the other guy you accuse of being predictable.Show me a link not biased or liberal showing that Japanese were ready to surrender. I am waiting for you
Full story linkJapan was working on peace negotiations with the Allies through its Moscow ambassador in July of 1945. Truman knew of these developments, the US having broken the Japanese code years earlier, and all of Japan's military and diplomatic messages were being intercepted. On July 13, 1945, Foreign Minister Togo said: "Unconditional surrender (giving up all sovereignty) is the only obstacle to peace." Truman knew this, and the war could have ended by simply conceding a post-war figurehead position for the emperor – a leader regarded as a deity in Japan. That concession was refused by the US, the Japanese continued negotiating for peace, and the bombs were dropped.
Full story linkIn the case of Hiroshima, no substantive evidence exists that the bombing was “necessary” to make Japan surrender. In fact, the Japanese had already attempted to sue for peace in July and were only hesitant because they distrusted the terms of unconditional surrender that the Allies demanded. They specifically wanted to keep their emperor, which, after the atomic bombings, they were allowed to, anyway.
Full story linkThe stark fact is that the Japanese leaders, both military and civilian, including the Emperor, were willing to surrender in May of 1945 if the Emperor could remain in place and not be subjected to a war crimes trial after the war. This fact became known to President Truman as early as May of 1945.
I thought I'd already anwered this nonsense earlier - and if I'm not mistaken, you AGREED.Well, where do those estimates come from? From very reliable sources? Yes, but reliable American sources. Or reliable ally sources. Like I always say, to the victors go the spoils and the right to write the history books, which means everything we believe now, everything we have "proof" and "estimates" and "alternative scenarios" for are affected, influenced, even DICTATED by what those victors began to paint for us at the moment the war was won, and constantly since then. We reinforce those ideas for themselves.
This makes no sense to me. Here's why:I am one of those who believes, like many Europeans do, that Japan was on the verge of surrender, within days, and that knowing this, America dropped the bombs as a test and a show of power, because one week later there would have been no war to drop them as a part of. There are "estimates" and "evidence" for these theories too: we were taught them in our schools, in our history classes (at least I was), we were shown "proof" from both sides of this argument, whereas in America, because America was the offending nation, only the American version of events is given in schools. Never is it even suggested that those bombs may have been dropped as a show of strength or a test on humans with the war already virtually over.
I'm not entierly sure I agree with that - truth may have many "versions" - but the objective seeker of truth need not always come away empty handed.Just because you find those theories so preposterous, would lead me to believe that you (like most Americans) were heavily influenced by the "American" version of history, and if I were you I would consider than every nation and political mindset has their own version of any given historical event, and unless you were there, no amount of statistics can prove your points: just because those proofs can easily be manipulated, and statistics can be found to refute ANY statistics, the truth is absolutely subjective, and no matter WHAT we believe about the past, our beliefs are just those: BELIEFS... none of us can say: "this is what happened"... even if you were there (which none of us were anyway), you weren't inside the minds of the men making the decisions, and therefore we will never ever ever ever ever truly know.
Yes, Americans have always been cruel and heartless to others. Nobody but us has sent conquering armies the world over and enslaved millions and oppressed tens of millionsAnd I am one of those who thinks that the Americans were, then, and always will be the ONLY nation capable of justifying the use of nuclear weapons, and the only nation whose government is both ruthless and cold and objective enough to actually use those things on people.
As I've said before - the time for nation states to use these weapons has long past. I'm not too sure about radical groups.I hope I am not proven wrong, and that these so-called rogue nations do not prove the damn propaganda maniacs right and actually use those sorts of weapons. I don't think anyone is really stupid enough to do that, to face the all-out-blitz consequences.
Dude - stop for a minute and actually think about what you're typing.The only country that would not have to face an all-out-blitz after such a nuclear attack would be this one: no-one dares mess with America - America WILL take the world down with it and everyone knows it...
Yep, we control everybody else's trade - which explains our massive trade and federal deficits....and also controls too much of everybody else's trade and wealth for anyone to be able to financially afford to "stand in their way".
Those who win any war bend the truth to paint themselves as reluctant (or not) heroes, and as the good guys when there are rarely any good guys in war
Get off that moral high horse Fox.Anyway, you asked about my sources. Well, about the whole "did the US need to drop the bombs, why did they, what was the alternative", those are very common theories as I've said before. My sources are really all from my education - high school and college level history classes and journalism classes.
In Twentieth Century history in England with Richard Matthews at Peers School, Oxford, we focused on events such as those two bombs. In an American school, it may have been a case of "this is why we dropped the bombs, thank god", in our classes, it was more like, an open and long-winded debate between students about the merits and morals of that decision. After the class had decided to agree or disagree, then we would look at sources - Japanese sources, German sources, British sources, French sources, Russian and American sources, and neutral sources, and we would try to piece together "the truth".
Yet you consistently deny the "American" version of it...All I can tell you is, every nation has its own version of truth.
You obviously didn't read enough "pro-american news media". Just look up newspaper reports on the aftermath of Tarawa.In Journalism classes in college, we specifically looked at how anti-nuclear media manipulated world war two history in one direction, and how pro-american patriot media manipulated history grossly in the other direction.
I like reading reports from the grunts in the field - a good place to start would be "With the Old Breed" by Eugene Sledge.The truth in these circumstances is usually somewhere between the two: not far left like me, and not far right like you.
People who argue the "blockade" theory don't want to admit that using a blockade would have brought about starvation on a biblical scale.But I believe, in this case, the war was not nearly over, or potentially over, but ACTUALLY over. There are documents to support ACTUAL SURRENDERS by the Japanese leaders. Of course they may be false. But there's no reason to believe them false any more than there is reason to believe the American version of "what would have happened if we hadn't..." is false. I happen to believe that the war was already over, because of what I've seen and read, and not least because I know what the American government is, now, and was, then, capable of.