Off-topic non-sense ...
Nice of you to hijack the thread ... but to answer your non-sense ...
but did Bush seriously try to change the laws so he can have a third time in office,
No, you've been fed utter BS. That non-sense has been going around awhile. Trust me, W. -- like every President or any other federal politician before him -- understands that politicians must be elected by the public, under the laws of the US Constitution and its Amendments. To demonize him in such a way is to demonize American leaders in general -- Democrat or Republican. If you think the 2000 election didn't follow the Constitution and W. (or his brother) somehow rigged it, you should read the
detail of the judgements of
all the individual Supreme Court Justices.
About the only thing that scares me is the possibility that Al Quieda will make a massive attack between November 1st-3rd, 2008 to disrupt US elections on November 4th, 2008. No one, and I mean
no one -- W. included -- wants to see that, because that throws a wrench into everything. I'm sure Al Quieda would love to do it to push W. into calling for Martial Law and pushing back the elections, and that's when everyone (including myself) would raise well. At the same time, if the elections still did go forward, plenty of people would bitch about the turnout and inaccuracy of those who voted, because the total number who voted would be a small subset of registered.
It's a scenario I hope never occurs. Because it would just cause all sorts of issues by disrupting the thing we hold most dear here in the US.
this man never stops to amaze me. didnt he also try to change the definition of torture under the human rights convention so they can torture more guantanomo prisoners.
The problem is that the media has done a poor job of defining "torture," and you've been fed a lot of BS.
The "torture" the US has committed so far ...
A. Very cold or hot rooms (but not enough to cause permanent damage)
B. Very loud music (but not enough to cause ear damage)
C. Nude and other embarrassing moments (commonplace in any prison system, typically to wash down as well as check for weapons)
D. Scaring/threatening to do real torture acts (which are never done)
Again, when you see the actual "torture acts" defined, it isn't torture under the Geneva conventions. The only possible Geneva convention violation to date are legal ones -- e.g., access to attorneys, speedy trial, etc... -- stuff that isn't guaranteed in many other country's legal systems, but are in the US (and therefore the Geneva convention applies selectively, long story). That's what the Supreme Court has taken issue with, and the US Congress finally moved to address after extensive debate with the White House.
You should really read up on how the various parts of the Geneva convention apply. They are not always absolute across all countries, but relative in many respects to the legal rights in the country in question. The US' legal system gives more rights to combatants than virtually all other countries (sans maybe the UK and a handful of others), including several in NATO. That's where the US Supreme Court has taken issue.
The "torture" non-sense in the media has to stop by the media defining the actual "acts" of alleged "torture." People think of cutting and other things. Forcing someone to listen to Eddie Van Halen at 60db in a 5C (41F) room for 4 hours is not torture -- you'd have to go up well beyond 80db and at least freezing to cause physical harm that is more than just temporary discomfort, but actual audio damage and frostbite.
i cant even take him serious no more, the guy is a fruitloop. no offence to teh people that voted him in.
Again, you've been fed a lot of BS. Try to cut through the rhetoric and get to the facts.
BTW, 9 out of 10 things I hear people complaining about with W. were also done by Clinton.