Which actor/actress make you not watch a film


Center of the fothermucking universe


Center of the fothermucking universe
I can't stand Meryl Streep.

I hear from people who say what a great actor/tress she is and it's lost on me.

I must be an uneducated cretin because I don't supine myself before the altar of the Goddess Streepius!

Kate Beckinsale. I watch the Underworld series due to vampire on werewolf violence, but her acting .... ABOMINATION!!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Vin Diesel....Tho he was kinda good in The Fast And The Furious.
Kate Beckinsale. I watch the Underworld series due to vampire on werewolf violence, but her acting .... ABOMINATION!!

who cares about her acting? she is fucking hot!

for me its a number of people. david spade, tobey maguire(except spiderman, although not for him), cuba gooding jr(men of honor was good though), tom cruise, julia roberts, queen latifah, jimmy fallon, lucy liu, kramer, any one of the kids from home improvement, shall i go on? :D
There are alot of actors/acresses I don't like but it won't stop me from watching their move if it looks like a kind of movie I'd like.

Same here.

I don't usually specifically avoid or see a movie due to who's starring in it. :dunno:

It's all about if it sounds interesting to me.
Jack Black, Jim Carrey, Sarah Silverman - Were ok at first but now the acting is so over the top and constantly "look at me and how clever I am" on and off the big screen that it's annoying (I would have put Robin Williams in this group a few years ago too but he doesn't annoy me like he used to). This is probably also due to them being everywhere and it's just too much. I think I have to include Michael Moore in this category as well. Vince Vaughn could easily cross the line into this category too though he hasn't totally yet.

Billy Crystal, Jennifer Lopez, Rosie O'Donnell - I can't look past all of the reports of what horrible, self-centered people they are in real life enough to enjoy anything they're in.

Tom Cruise - I can't help but feeling like I'm funding Scientology so I can't patronize his films anymore with a clear conscience - plus he's just so fucking weird now.

Adam Sandler - With the exception of the Wedding Singer which I like a lot, I just never got any of his other movies or bits on SNL - just not funny to me

Diane Keaton - I didn't think she was that attractive when she was young so the whole trying to play a hot older woman and all the chick-flick roles just don't appeal to me.

Catherine Zeta-Jones - not sure exactly what my problem is with her but she doesn't appeal to me.
Tom Cruise, Ben Afleck, Jessica Simpson, Matt Damon, Will Ferral, John Heder, Jennifer Garner, Hugh Grant, Ben Stiller, Cameron Diaz, Chris Tucker, Kevin Costner, Steven Segal, Russle Crow, Brandon Routh, J-Lo, John Travolta, Christian Slater, Tara Reid, The Wayens Bros.

dick van cock

Closed Account
"Actors are cattle." (Alfred Hitchcock)

The director is more important than the cast. I avoid movies by Spielberg and Kenneth Branagh.

Even highly irritating actors make some good movies (Tom Hanks in Road to Perdition; Anthony Hopkins in Nixon). But an inept director will never shoot something decent.
Kate Beckensale and Sam L Jackson.
David Spade, Will Ferrel and Ben Stiller are actors?

Will Ferrel was good in Stranger Than Truth I thought, the rare exception.

Kenneth Branagh is talentless. Jack Black and he are tied for 10th place. Costner is very overatted. I liked him in A Perfect World, but that was directed by Clint Eastwood, so that explains it.

Robin Williams I think is awful, but I do like some of his more recent roles, more dramatic, like One Hour Photo, and Dead Poet's Society. He was good in Insomnia.
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Reese Witherspoon - I can't even comprehend her choice in roles. I just hate her.

Cate Blanchet - I'll watch her stuff, but I still think she's the epitome of everything souless and wrong.

Jessica Biel - All her movies suck, and she started out on that crappy 7th Heaven show.

Lindsay Lohan - I have no idea why she warrants so much media attention, because her movies are all awful.

Adam Sandler is really annoying, and so is David Spade. That guy from Napoleon Dyamite sucks too.