When the time comes

This mainly to tell everyone that sometime in the next few weeks I'm not going to be around as much as my usual self.

The reason been the time has come for a whole computer up grade. Which means a complete new one, it will take a few days or so to get everything installed and running correctly.

I've been fighting against this for sometime, as I wouldn't admit old faithful here was fighting a losing battle. But it's just not able to continue in the way it used too. Time has caught up with it, the drives are starting to not play alot of discs. The hard drive is coming up with to many errors and so on and so forth. The thing thats really made me give up is the fact that it even struggles to load up my ipod now. I've had it for 6 years without a single breakdown or error thats kept it out of service for more than a hour.

I'm not the best on technical spec, but the new has got everything I need.
Pentium 4 520 processor.
200 Gb hard drive.
512 mb ram.
DVDRW (something my old one never had.)
128mb Graphics card.
19'' Flat screen LCD moniter.
Logitech 5.1 suround sound system speakers.

Sad time, but we must move on and upwards. Funny how we become attached to objects.

Well just thought I'd let everyone know as I've no set date for the delivery yet and it will be sudden when it happens. Didn't want to leave members wondering where I was. I'll try to pop in when it does, as I have certain threads to take care of each week. So if things aren't running quite to schedule you know why and try no to give me to hard a time :D

Even surfing the board today has been hard work with the computer.


Member, you member...
Good luck with the upgrade, Poggy.

My Commodore 64 is doing just fine.


Retired Mod
Have fun with the new equipment.
i need to upgrade my pc but i can`t afford it yet :2 cents: :crying: good luck upgradeing your pc
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poggy1 said:
I've been fighting against this for sometime, as I wouldn't admit old faithful here was fighting a losing battle. But it's just not able to continue in the way it used too. Time has caught up with it, the drives are starting to not play alot of discs. The hard drive is coming up with to many errors and so on and so forth.

Sad time, but we must move on and upwards. Funny how we become attached to objects.

Yeah dude I know what you mean. My first car ever, Old Betsy" was an 89' ,fully loaded, white, Jeep Grand Cherokee hammedown. The radio was crap. All the cool stuff that come being fully loaded was broken, there were so many miles on it that if I had the same number but in money I'd be set for life and the engine and transmission and everything was always breaking down right when I needed it. I drive a beautifull 2003 Honda Accord EX now but damn I sure do miss Old Betsy.:(
Good Luck with the upgrade, i envy you because you could store more porn in your computer than i can....grrr
pussypoppa said:
Good Luck with the upgrade, i envy you because you could store more porn in your computer than i can....grrr

Porn! surely you mean Lucy :thumbsup:

It will be anytime in the next 2 weeks, but don't know exact date as they will phone me to see if delivery is okay. If it's a Friday it won't be so bad as I'll have most of the weekend to get it sorted. I'll try to pop in to keep things going when I can though, or I get bored :D

I was looking this morning at the amount of hard drive I'm using. This is a 80 Gb hard drive I have at the moment and I've only under 20 percent of that left. This isn't my first PC either, but by far the best, as the first two was all trouble. I've only in the last 6 months got any trouble from it really.

I think it's having over 2 gigs of Lucy on the hard drive thats doing it. After all them 32G bumps can really weigh heavily on it:1orglaugh

I just post this really so I didn't have to PM everyone and explain to lots of questions on why such as POTW was a little off time.

Oh and Jod, thats a Spectrum 48k to me ;)


Closed Account
You did save all my pics right? Right? !!

J/K It will be a brand new world when you're done. Good Luck. I knows its hard to let go, I looked at my old monitor for weeks before I finally took it to the dump. :(


It's good to be the king...
Upgraded mine last year...that was a right pain at times..

(good luck anyway poggy...:thumbsup: )
Im thinking if i should put few bucks to get some boost too... dunno. I need to buy new DVD-player (coz old let out the grey smoke that keeps the system running).

GL with upgrade and let's hope you dont get any major problems.
Have just got confirmation that delivery will be on thursday, so hopefully by sunday I should just be about back to normal.


Back up first
Back up first
Back up first
Back up first
Back up first
Back up first
Well at last I'm finally on the new computer. When after a 2 week wait it arrived the hard drive was damaged in transit. So I've had to wait another week for a new hard drive and the tech come and fit it and install all the settings.

Give you a guess what was the first thing installed on it was ;)

Well I'm about half way through uplaoding and installing eveything at the moment. So with this weekend been a bank holiday weekend I should be fully back to normal by the end of it.:thumbsup: