When Keeping It Real Goes Horribly Wrong!


Lord Dipstick
All that shit storm because some dumb ass can't keep his damn mouth shut on the bus! I swear, the shit I've seen on the bus back when I used to ride it, if people would just keep their mouths shut, sit down, and get off and leave people alone and if someone gets mouthy just walk away, this kind of thing can be avoided and every body will be getting home safe and sound. Yet you have some young punk ass running his mouth, which is all he knows how to do, and in the end he gets beat down. I hope whoever was videotaping it, sounded like the woman, she gets in trouble too because she instigated a lot of it.

I was right. He was a Vietnam vet. They are the salty lot and don't take shit from anybody. :salute:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'm sending that to everybody I know he not only got his ass handed to him but he got knocked the fuck out.Yeah I said it.I think I will say it again.You just got knocked the fuck out.Press charges for what he should have stayed sitting down the last time I seen a 1-2 combo like that it was Tyson's Greatest Hits.I'm sorry I find that really funny and the lesson we learned today is don't talk shit to old people :hatsoff:

Yeah, that's what I thought about when I saw the video. Almost as good as when Craig took out Debo in Friday.

When I was a kid, the old timers would always say, "don't ever let your mouth write a check that your ass can't cash." Both of them were talking shit. But once you walk up on somebody, you better make sure you've got the goods - and that kid had NOTHING! :D Also, just because a dude has some "snow on the roof", that doesn't mean that he can't throw down. I agree with you: that was one of the sweetest left/right combinations I've seen in many a moon.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Post Fight analysis from the White Beard Man!:1orglaugh

Thanks for the followup.

Sounds like the old dude has some issues himself (mom died before the fight or after... or is he having a "moment" during that interview?). And he's probably seen and done more than enough shit on his own. But he was definitely in the right on this one. In fact, Old Dude is kind of likeable... but I don't think I'd turn my back on him.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Oh that made me so happy. Seeing that shithead get worked over, see all thug, bullys, whatever... cowards and wimps in the end. Then they stole from him. Thieves... AC Transit? Where is that?


Lord Dipstick
I'm laying 2-1, as popular as this video is going to be, shes going to get discovered somehow because of it! She sure as shit looked like some sort of model, had to be because she was cool and composed as can be during all of it! ;)

Did I call that one or what?:1orglaugh
I wonder if that chick gonna come foward she's a internet sensation.

People are making all kinds of videos of her on youtube. Kinda of creepy IMO


Take the grey beard away and the elder guy could easily pass for 47 IMHO. :1orglaugh

additionally, why did the ''ol feller'', ha ha, leave the bus w/out his gym bag ? :confused:
Good one Alex!