What no other category?
For the most part this, but not everything he wrote.
Biblical Constitutionalist
Another foundational premise and a reality of life in America today, is that the vast majority of American citizens don’t care how our country was founded, nor what its founding documents say or mean. In short, they want “theirs,” and don’t want to be confused with facts. That’s right: they want a government that will take care of them – a concept that, at its core, is expressly forbidden in our founding laws and principles.
Lazy people who want daddy government to take care of them.
That's what every American should be against.
WAAAA! :crying:
I'm a registered Republican because, of the two American political parties that actually stand a chance of having power, it's the party whose theoretical ideals are best aligned with my beliefs, but I think all politicians come from the same cesspool of scum. Democrat, Republican, Independent, it's all the same shit. Everybody does what lobbyists and those paying for their campaigns want them to do.
I'm a Communist
No it isn't against the founding principles at all. One key item is the social compact which means the people are governed by consent, and if the people wish for a welfare state that is their right. Limited government means just that-limited to what is necessary.If the people feel that a health program is necessary then it's within the founding principles for the government to instigate one.The world has changed and people's aspirations are different. Accept this, otherwise you will be stuck in the eighteenth century.