What's your least favorite game system of all time?

SegaCD: Seemed like SegaSaturn & SegaCD were loads of SegaCRAP back in the day. My brother bought a Sega CD...which was fun with the handful of games made for it...but lack of game selection killed the system.

NeoGeo...and hear me out on this one. While it was a great system...the NeoGeo came into the market with a $500 system...$200+ games....presenting them to a demographic that was already scoffing at $50 games and $200 systems.


I can't believe how many people here say they did not like the Turbo Grafix 16.

I thought it was a really great and underrated system. I wish it would have gotten more support here in the U.S.
Anyone remember the flop that was the Virtual Boy?

Bingo. I bought one of those for my nephew when it came out, and I remember my sister telling me that he literally had to stop playing it for a week because it hurt his eyes so badly. No idea why Nintendo tried to make what was essentially a game system with UV rays. Add to that the fact that there were practically no games for it, and it gets my vote.
I've been a gamer since the days of the Atari 2600. At age 30, I'm still playing games. :o

One of my best friends from school had a Sega CD...I gave it a try over at his place a few times. I was thoroughly unimpressed.
I think I'm one of the few that actually liked SegaCD.
I actually still have mine.

Loadstar and Sewer Shark were good games.

Plus it paved the way for disc games over cartridges.
The old Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was very good.There were many cool games,like Super Mario 1-3,World Cup Soccer,Snake Rattle ´n´Roll etc.
Nintendo 64 had also great games (Super Mario 64,Mario Kart,James Bond Games etc.).
But my favourite is Sega Dreamcast!Ith has a good graphic and the gameplay is just perfect and you can buy games for it on ebay for a very little money :nanner:!