Whats your favorite scary movie?

Parts of Halloween 2 are ok, and I liked parts of #4, and H20. 3 Sucked (though it really was a non-sequel), 5 and 6 are horrible, and that one where the rap guy used kung fu was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

And I wouldn't touch Rob Zombie's remake with a ten foot butcher knife.
Zombie's shit shouldn't even be considered as a Halloween movie. Resurrection (the one with rap guy) was bad, with the only good scene ironically being the beginning when Laurie is killed in the sanatorium. The rest of the movie isn't scary at all.

I also hated the explanation of how he survived. It should have ended with H20, which would be a great ending to this series.

Does anyone here like Valentine? A decent movie in my opinion, with interesting story, gory kills, hot chicks and a twist end during which I stopped breathing.

Oh and I loved the "You brought me up here to show me your penis? So sweet." scene with Denise Richards. I was like WTF, am I watching porn or what? :rolleyes: :1orglaugh

Definitely a watchable slasher, one of the better ones that were made after the success of Scream. Shame it's hated by so many people.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The Passion Of The Christ.

That shit gave me chills and I couldnt sleep for week, it wasnt the movie so much although it was terrible, it was those retarded idiots who came out of the movie enlightened, and crying

- :crying: "I cant belive how much he gave for us"

Come on you fucking moron!!!!!

I love you, BallsOfBlue.
Zombie's shit shouldn't even be considered as a Halloween movie. Resurrection (the one with rap guy) was bad, with the only good scene ironically being the beginning when Laurie is killed in the sanatorium. The rest of the movie isn't scary at all.

I also hated the explanation of how he survived. It should have ended with H20, which would be a great ending to this series.

H20's ending was perfect. She KILLED him. I've found it rather annoying for more than a decade now that every horror film has to end with that stupid "But WAIT!" ending that they all seem to have.

Halloween- the original film- had the best one of those ever, and it's become common practice. I really think that's what made the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series boring as hell after the first one. There was just no way to kill the guy. I swear, Jesus Christ could have cut Freddy in half with a weed whacker, and you'd still have a shot of Freddy laughing at the end. And when you go into a movie knowing you're not going to be able to stop the bad guy- why bother?

Laurie was killed in a sanitArium- big difference from a sanitorium, but no worries :glugglug:

The introduction of the PG-13 rating, and the infusion of comedy into horror movies- two things that have not helped the genre at all.

Oh, and mainstream actors- horror is best when it's gritty and filled with unknowns, or maybe 1 known guy/gal. And LOW budget. After all, what good did multi-millions do for "The Haunting"?

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Never really found it scary, but I did find it intense when I first saw it back in '94. And as a result, I was fascinated with anything having to do with this film. Even tracked down a copy of the documentary "Family Portriat" just to satisfy my thirst for anything having to do with Hooper's original classic.


persona non grata
I recently saw Them which was a really good french horror movie. i think The Strangers is a kinda unofficial remake
Ils (Them) is one of my favourite horror movies from recent years, the story is extremely simple but for once there is two really good actors in the lead roles in a horror movie. Other recent good french horror movies are Frontiére(s) and the ultra gory and brutal Inside. My favourite from the last year or so is the spanish zombie horror Rec (Hollywood are doing a remake (Quarantine) even before the movie´s been released in the US).
hedonis: I think I wrote sanatorium.

It is also interesting that the paramedic crap scenes were shot during the filming of H20. The director Steve Miner has made them in case anyone would ever decide to make another sequel.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Which Texas Chainsaw?
Hehe, good reply. I loved the first one. The second sucked, while the third was pretty funny, an OK movie in my opinion.
The Descent. It is easily the best horror movie in the last decade IMO.

The Descent was surprisingly good,imo.

I love the Friday The 13th series.Jason Voorhees is the shit.I grew up on those movies,along with a ton of other shit,but Jason was always my favorite.
I have to agree too with the people who say Blair Witch Project. The fact that the movie used the raw human emotion factor made it scary as hell, even without seeing blood, gore, or the fucking witch. I also liked that the movie used the actors real names.
I have to agree too with the people who say Blair Witch Project. The fact that the movie used the raw human emotion factor made it scary as hell, even without seeing blood, gore, or the fucking witch. I also liked that the movie used the actors real names.

I liked the fact that they ran through the woods like a bad episode of cops...




what the fuck you lookin at?
The Descent. It is easily the best horror movie in the last decade IMO.

I didn't really care for it, but that asian chick...HOLY FUCK she's fine!

Not scary but a great series that's supposibly considred horror for some unknown reason is the SAW series! :thumbsup: