Whats Your Favorite Horror/gore Movies

>>>>>>October 20th<<<<<<

I thought id just plug my B-day today along with Dracula (Bela Lugosi)

:jump: :partysml:
****Oct 21****

Lions Gate's Horror Site is Back Online!

A long while ago Lions Gate Film's unleashed their own horror site to keep all the fans informed about their upcoming projects- and then BAM- it was gone. But it's back, and it's here to stay. Lions Gate has a lot planned, so this site should be rockin' in no time. Click here>> http://www.lionsgatehorror.com/site/index_flash.html to check it out and then bookmark it for safe keeping. Lions Gate Film's Saw hits theaters next Friday!
texas chainsaw masacur
:thumbsup: great choice
~~~~October 26, 2004~~~~

Hells yes i cant wait any longer dammit...

*Available subtitles: Spanish, French
*Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1), French (Dolby *Digital 5.1), Spanish (Dolby Digital 5.1)
*Commentary by director Zack Snyder and Producer Eric Newman
*The Lost Tape: Andy's Terrifying Last Days Revealed
*Special Bulletin: We Interrupt This Program! - complete news coverage of the attacks
*Undead Scenes - deleted scenes

*Raising the Dead - turning actors into undead killers
*Attack of the Living Dead - a look at the most memorable zombie kills
*Splitting Headaches: Anatomy of Exploding Heads
*Director's Cut with nine additional minutes of footage


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Zack Snyder is Ready to Raise the Dead Again...

... and I couldnt be more excited! ironically enough, the details are announced on the day his first movie hit DVD shelves. Director Zack Snyder told SCI FI Wire that Universal Pictures has already approached him to make a follow-up to his hit zombie remake Dawn of the Dead, but that the movie won't be a remake of George Romero's own sequel, Day of the Dead. "It's fascinating, because it's the sequel to our movie," Snyder said in an interview. "I was like, 'We should do a sequel to Day,' but they [weren't interested]." Read on for the full story...

"Snyder helmed the remake of Romero's Dawn , which is now on DVD. Snyder said that he and screenwriter James Gunn diverged from the rules Romero created for the original Dawn, which rendered it difficult to continue remaking Romero's movies. "Inadvertently we created a whole different world," Snyder said. "We went off, and in a lot of ways the rules that George created don't apply at the end of this Dawn."

Snyder said that his original idea for the remake may have made subsequent films harder to develop. "I always wanted to make a movie where the zombies won from the beginning," he said. "I think I demonstrated that in the first 10 minutes. It doesn't take long for them to really kind of win. It's more about, like, you're [in] an air bubble."

Snyder said that talks have begun with Universal, but the project does not have a definite start date. "We kicked around some ideas, but I don't know what we're going to do with it," he said. "We've talked about it. I met with James. I met with the producers. The heat comes on and off of that. I think Universal wants it bad."
Anybody else here dissa-fuckin-pointed by that crappy "The Lost Tape: Andy's Terrifying Last Days Revealed" ? God, that was stupid! :mad: I wanted so much more from that. Meh. Oh well.
I agree to a point,but it was only made to get to know Andy a little better as a character and get to see his angle on things.

I really fucking loved the other features like Raising the Dead and Splitting Headaches which is bad ass.
Splitting headaches ruled! That actually grossed my girlfriend out more than the actual movie, lol.

By the way, The Grudge sucked ass....IMHO.
TopCow said:
Splitting headaches ruled! That actually grossed my girlfriend out more than the actual movie, lol.

I bet,my lover was covering her eyes while watching that saying its gross and all that kinda stuff.I said dude yer a wimp then she pinched me.

8 outta 13 . . .not to bad

pretty slick

Goodman . . :thumbsup:
Saw DVD Release Date

The box-office hit SAW will arrive February 15, 2005 , and the DVD will include a widescreen transfer with Dolby 5.1 audio, a commentary by director/co-writer James Wan and star/co-writer Leigh Whannell, a music video for Fear Factory's "Bite the Hand That Feeds" song, a featurette on the making of that video and trailers.
I totally loved that movie.I came home and downloaded it on Ares

Still gonna but it though when it come out.
Dude Seed of Chucky is HALARIOUS,Go AND WATCH IT :nanner: .