What’s your biggest fear

Will E Worm

That my surviving son will get his ass killed in Iraq.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Centipedes, Jelly Fish, and my mother deciding to move to Europe to live with me when she retires.
That my surviving son will get his ass killed in Iraq.

Well thats the risk he takes, if i was you though i would,nt of let him go :(
Dying then learning that all of my dead relatives know what I masturbate too.
having kids and having them become ill....(whether mentally or physically)
One of my big fears in life is that i might die and my parents will come to clean out my apartment and find that porno wing I've been adding on to for years. :o

Getting fucking cancer! Forty years and billions of dollars raised for research and few fuckin new treatments! The biggest fuckin decption on earth!
I'm not scared of dying per say(I'm kinda living dead already for various self destructive reasons...lol) but I just can't get over the fear of the final minutes when you know you're gonna go soon. I always say, I'll take a 5.56mm to the head rather than being stabbed by some drunk alpha-male 12 times and then bleeding to death in agony for 30 minutes.

Yes, I fear nothing but dying slowly
Sinking slowly to the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean. I know the pressure would get me but it would be freaky until them