What’s your biggest fear


what the fuck you lookin at?
i think they're cool. used to throw live insects in their webs to watch them come out and eat them! anyone else, or was I the only demented child?!:D

Nope, I still do once in awhile!
i think they're cool. used to throw live insects in their webs to watch them come out and eat them! anyone else, or was I the only demented child?!:D

Ive seen insects get caught in webs and then get eaten but never felt the need to feed a spider.

Except for my pet goliath i feed him live mice
I feed live mice to my pet one, watch it as it trys to escape the spiders grasp & then see it succumb to its penatrating fangs.

I know exactly what you mean about the fun part :D

Will E Worm

i think they're cool. used to throw live insects in their webs to watch them come out and eat them! anyone else, or was I the only demented child?!:D

Used to, I also had insects in jars.

I could have been an entomologist or a botanist.

Since I like insects and I have a green thumb. ;)

I have many interests.
How about going to the dentists and just as the knockout gas take you under, you hear the dentist unzip his fly......:eek:


I know it sounds corny, but I fear myself doing things I would regret. Or doing something that would forever scar someone else. Like getting drunk and trying to come onto a girl making her feel uncomfortable.

Luckily, this fear manages to keep me away from doing things I actually would regret.

I fear death very much too. But I'm glad about that too since it's what keeps me away from diving from 30 meter cliffs or trying new drugs :)

Snakes are horrible too.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I have one fear, not counting a slow, painful death. Ants.