I mean come on you don't have to thank someone for repping you. It's actually quite annoying. I become so happy and cheerful when I see an unread visitor message. Only come to realize it's someone thanking me for repping them. My hopes and dreams are crashed.
Last 4 messages were thanks for the rep. The other one was thanks for the add. I mean come on if you are thankful why not just throw up a "how are you doing?" message.
You don't need to thank me for the rep! It's not worth it go do something more useful for yourself and save me the hopes of someone talking to me on my private messages. *cries*
This is a joke thread, but it's annoying how people always thank me for the rep. I do enjoy reading the message, but there not my day. Just wish it was something else.

R version
I love you. Now since you read this last message this means hearby law I own you now. You will now be expected to show up in my bed in the next 24 hours unless you are already there. Then you will be expected to stay for 48 hours after sex.
I'm going to start negative repping for everyones thread from now so hopefully someone will say something mean or something different. JK, but I'm watching you from my closet.