Though a close second would go to the time I took my dog to the vet, and this other dog went and took a massive dump right there by the waiting room they had set up. It's kinda funny cause the girl at the front desk was very attractive, but any flirting I had planned on doing completely went out the window when I suddenly got a whiff of that gi-normous pile of maggot gagging dung that dog left. I was literally hurrying up and gagging on the way out ... I shit you not!
Though a close second would go to the time I took my dog to the vet, and this other dog went and took a massive dump right there by the waiting room they had set up. It's kinda funny cause the girl at the front desk was very attractive, but any flirting I had planned on doing completely went out the window when I suddenly got a whiff of that gi-normous pile of maggot gagging dung that dog left. I was literally hurrying up and gagging on the way out ... I shit you not!