What's the worst injury you've ever had?

When I was 14, I was riding my bike home from a baseball game, it was at night and it was raining. I didn't see this car coming and it hit me at about 35 mph and my head went through the windshield. I was conscious and in shock so I quickly tore my head out of the windshield and sat down on the sidewalk. By the time the ambulance came and I got to the hospital, I was in surgery for 3 hours (unconscious of course). Afterwards, they said I had needed five units of blood and about 800 stitches (500 inside and 300 on the skin). Turns out most of the damage had probably been done when I took my head out of the windshield and not from going in. But of course, I didn't feel anything at the time. The doctor described my neck as being "cut nearly ear to ear". I still have four distinct scars on my neck where most of the outside stitching was done, but luckily I have no real aftereffects of this injury.

Aside from that I broke my right pointer finger twice, and also got an infection in that finger from a separate incident involving rooting out a drain trap at my seafood job. I was about 24 at the time. It swelled my finger up twice the size and turned it purple, and my right arm up to the elbow had red lines on it. But IV antibiotics fixed that nicely. After a day or two, my finger "popped", juice came out and the skin sloughed off.

The only other thing was that I tore ligaments in my elbow from trying to show off my arm in college baseball practice when I was 20. That injury i still get pain from fairly often.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I almost had my nutsack ripped off when I was about 19. I'd elaborate, but I wouldn't want to bore anyone.
I almost had my nutsack ripped off when I was about 19. I'd elaborate, but I wouldn't want to bore anyone.

Glad to hear you didn't lose your nutsack, Legz! If you had, you may not have the balls to post some of what you do! :D


what the fuck you lookin at?
Glad to hear you didn't lose your nutsack, Legz! If you had, you may not have the balls to post some of what you do! :D

Yea, thanks...I think. Not to mention the fact it would have made me less of a man!


what the fuck you lookin at?
Try being circumcised as a teenager. Now THAT is an injury worth complaining about...

Speaking of which. I think Lorena took a tad to much off the top!
I almost had my nutsack ripped off when I was about 19. I'd elaborate, but I wouldn't want to bore anyone.

One of my boys was driving his go-cart years back (with the steering wheel shaft right by the "family jewels") and he went straight into an Oak tree doing probably at least 20MPH. Needless to say, I don't know if he'll ever be able to have kids. :confused:

BTW, I did have 2 hernia operations on my "jewels" years ago. Not good. :uohs:
Aside from that I broke my right pointer finger twice, and also got an infection in that finger from a separate incident involving rooting out a drain trap at my seafood job.

I thought you said you were a law clerk.
I almost had my nutsack ripped off when I was about 19. I'd elaborate, but I wouldn't want to bore anyone.

Oh, by all means, pray do tell! Don't let the audience hinder you story telling! I think you'd have everyone's attention with a story like that.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I broke my right ankle while four-wheeling. Of course, I didn't believe it was broken at the time and still walked on it for an entire night. The next day, I put pressure on it to walk and passed out. My ankle was the size of a soft ball. Good times!
I was in the kitching attemping to cut some vegatables. I would be working with on of those dumbass infomerical deals. You know, the one where you slide the vegatable on that board that was a build in blade.

Well the "saftey handle" that help the fruit into place was so fucked up we couldnt get it to work right.

So I was cutting celery on that going down one at a time and then I happened to go down a little to far and sliced into the top of my thumb.

I almost lost the tip of my thumb that day but thanks to the miracle of medicines they were able to glue it back together.

Still a little bump there, but at lease I still have the tip of my thumb.

Same thing happened to me only I was cutting onions with it. My parents were at work so I had to wait for an hour until my dad finally came home and we went to the ER. There was a ton of blood, and they didn't even bother to glue the tip back on since the blade had taken out the corner. My dad and I came home and he said "Never use any of the special kitchen crap your mom buys."