Touch choice... he's made some VERY entertaining films... but I was watching True Lies last night, and I can't get enough of it.

Spanky's Anger said:Touch choice... he's made some VERY entertaining films... but I was watching True Lies last night, and I can't get enough of it.
hedgehog said:or Commando
Matrix: Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last?
Sully: That's right, Matrix. You did.
Matrix: I lied.
proceeds to drop him off a cliff
No no no, it's GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!Torre82min said:Probably Get in tha Choppah! Part Deux
Esp when he intimidates the living shit outta Lou Ferrigno...JCMSVOBODA said:Conan The Barbarian is the only film with him I like
Wills rocks!!! :banger:mongo18 said:Predator gets my vote too, although Cactus Jack was a very entertaining, lesser known Arnie flick. For my money, Arnie is the greatest actor in the world, followed by Bruce Willis, and then the rest.
Clarkie25 said:C;mon everybody knows the best Arnold film was Jingle All the Way
Clarkie25 said:C;mon everybody knows the best Arnold film was Jingle All the Way