whats the age of consent in usa?

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Brino said:
I'm not going to defend child pornography but it raises an interesting question! The Age of Consent is different everywhere you go so who's right about what the age of consent should be? Should it be 16 like it is in certain parts of the world or should it be 18 like it is in the U.S.? I live in the U.S. so I'm a believer in the fact that it should be 18 but thats just what I was raised to belive! :2 cents:
This is the point I've been trying to make for some time now.... I'm glad someone else sees it too. I have no problem with the "18 law," and I have no problem obeying it, but I also have no problem with questioning that law or, for that matter, any other law. Laws reflect culture, and culture varies from place to place and era to era. To assume that the laws in the here and now are infalliable also assumes that everyone else's laws are flawed. Whether it's done consciously or not, it smacks of Social Darwinism, and that's why I take issue with that attitude.

As I stated above, I happen to agree with this law, but I have no qualms about re-examining it. If people never questioned the law, then many of laws laws from the past that we now consider unjust would still be with us. :2 cents:
Adults should not have sexual relations with children or "minors." PERIOD. NEVER.

If you are unsure of the laws in your country or state or province, look them up before you even consider going on a date or sleeping/fucking with someone.
guv said:
I bet you think of yourselves as intellectuals. Behave.....
And what do you think of yourself, guv?
in Australia i am pretty sure it is 16, but i could be wrong :p


guv said:
I bet you think of yourselves as intellectuals. Behave.....

And just what exactly are you attempting to imply? Please, do be so kind as to explain...

I, too, would like to find out where you stand on the issue.

Please, justify your statement...
Goblin said:
A 15 year old shouldn't be worrying herself about sex. An 18 year old can worry about whatever he/she wants.

If she is mature enough or not isn't the issue to me. Its that she has other responsibilities and doesn't need a grown man giving her other responsibilities (Such as sex or children.)

My little sister has had two children and she is due for a third in January. She is 21 years old and still sucks life from my father.

Did i say shit about sex, NO! all i ment was a relationship besides the age of consent is 16 in the UK so i would not even think about that, and as for you saying 15 yr olds should'nt be worrying about sex, they do as in school it's all alot of them think about (sad but true, hormones and body changes), i'm sorry to hear about your little sister but what i'm saying is that i would no way intend on having sex with someone 15 when i'm 18, i've never dated a 15 yr old but dont see the problem if your 18 (no older) and want to, just dont push it too far. This subject really pisses me off.
this is always going to be touchy :p
Umm... Ive been 15 before too. I thought about sex a lot, but I didn't think about it as much as others I have seen. In fact... My best friend in high school was a girl with an older boyfriend who was in the Navy. He claimed to not want to impose sex onto her, but it ended up happening anyways. For the exact same reasons why you posted... Horomones and body changes etc.

My point is that if you don't give someone the opportunity to make a mistake they won't make the mistake.

Its called being proactive instead of reactive.
Goblin said:
Umm... Ive been 15 before too. I thought about sex a lot, but I didn't think about it as much as others I have seen. In fact... My best friend in high school was a girl with an older boyfriend who was in the Navy. He claimed to not want to impose sex onto her, but it ended up happening anyways. For the exact same reasons why you posted... Horomones and body changes etc.

My point is that if you don't give someone the opportunity to make a mistake they won't make the mistake.

Its called being proactive instead of reactive.

But you cant say that everyone is like that guy in the navy as you really are just stereotyping as not all people would take advantage, i know where your coming from anyway just my opinion is different regarding age limits which are not too extreme.
I think that its safe to say that the majority of individuals are like the "Navy guy." And with that in mind its proactive to make a law that restricts people from dating someone under 18 without parent consent.

If a man is as good of a person as you are describing then parents shouldn't care and I wouldn't mind it myself.


Its proven time and again age of consent laws simply DO NOT AFFECT what age kids are having sex. It is based around society and peers, not some fanciful age a government has imposed. There should be a complete overhaul of the laws so as to protect youngsters from predators and peadophiles, but maybe its about time ages of consent were done away with.
Its an image that other young people have of other young people. You only see the bad, but you don't see the good.

A vast majority of young people still refrain from having sex under-age. You only think that the majority of young people have sex often because they are more vocal-attention seeking.

This is proven, but I cant find the reference in my Sociology book.


If your reply is directed at me I am confused - I do not say or imply they are all having underage sex or what have you, just that the imposed law makes no difference.

UK average age to lose virginity according to various surveys is about 14 years old, and our law says 16. In other countries, the reverse is true - the average is way above the lawful age.

Obviously in one country the age two people lose their cherry can be wildly different but averages are there to show trends, and the law seems to have no effect around the world on what age people, on average, first have sex.

They respond to media, peer groups, family instilled values and various other sources. What is written by some anonymous group of people out of touch with the real world will not bother them in slightest.
The law is a tool that parents can use to give children those values... The ability for a parent to say "no." If it weren't the law the parent would really have no say in the matter other than "do it and I'll kick you out."

It is important for a parent to have control of someone under 18 because while they may be physically mature (Some of them anyways) they are not mentally mature. Nor are they ready for the responsibilities of sex.


Tell me you dont believe a parent could actually stop their child having sex, short of actually locking them up?
doesn't matter where I'm at I'm gonna abide by the law. age of consent is 16 then that is what I'll go by, if it's 18, like here in the states, than that is what I'll go by. Though 9 times out of 10 I'm gonna go for the 30 plus year olds, they know how to fuck.
stretchb69 said:
doesn't matter where I'm at I'm gonna abide by the law. age of consent is 16 then that is what I'll go by, if it's 18, like here in the states, than that is what I'll go by. Though 9 times out of 10 I'm gonna go for the 30 plus year olds, they know how to fuck.

Got to agree with you on that one ! :nanner:
Just an update Guys.

I had a quick look (for the first time) today at Cherry Dee's website and found she has now been 18 since June.

She has delete all her pre-18 photos for anyone that's worried.

On the age of consent debate, I think we've got in right here in Australia.

The official age of consent and to appear in porn, work in the sex industry, etc... is 18 years of age.

Adding to that I believe it's LEGAL for a 16 year old to have sex, but as long as there partner is within 2 years of there age (IE 16, 17 or 18)

I think that's a fair call. :glugglug:

BrekkyDJ in Oz :wave:
well, I am not saying it is right or wrong , but I bet if you all look at your families history you will find somewhere along the way that a male member of your family married a girl that was anywhere from 13 on up, ,, just something to think about
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