Well, in Europe there's plenty of freedom, especially in certain countries, and to some degree more than in America (e.g freedom of press). Also in Australasia, parts of Africa and Latin America, lots of freedom, in many places on a similar level to the U.S. So it's not like we're the only one. I don't hate freedom and democracy, I love it: I just think THIS government will do anything it takes to stay "on top of the world" and is not to be trusted.
So like you say, can't do that in China. Right, to a point. But "or other parts of the world"? Wrong, there are plenty of places where you can. Freedom is not what's great about America, it's EVERYTHING, and we shouldn't have to give up some of what's great for this freedom everyone raves about, which in my opinion, doesn't cost our lives and us sending military forays into other people's lands, because I've lived in and visited so many countries that share similar freedom, but without any of the military offensives, global selfishness, or obsession with "we must fight for our freedom". Places where the media doesn't have such a hold on everyone that everyone things anyone is trying to "take our freedom away". South Africa was taking a lot of people's freedoms away (about 85% of the country) until the 90s, and we were one of their best friends. What does our government really believe in?
As for not reading one post about me loving America: there've been plenty. Mostly a long time ago, when I used to have to defend myself from this same claim all the time: you hate America. From Nightfly, if I remember. Anyway, maybe when I have time and my computer's not being as slow as a mofo, I'll look back and find one or two of them. I don't have time to go into all the reasons I love America now, nor should I have to, shouldn't it be obvious? I'm a free-thinking, completely-out-there, highly political, multi-ethnic, sports-loving, travel-loving, sex-loving, hot-women-loving, freedom-loving, democracy-loving musician. There aren't many places in the world that cover all of those bases though the damn sports need to include the Premier League sometime soon. Although I did just go to Tully's Wings and watch the Premier League Review Show, so it can't be all bad.
I do a lot more than bitch. I only bitch on the threads that I find something that moves me to speak out, which is anything about our military offensives, or that involves dicrimination against one group or person... I don't tear down freedoms, on the contrary: I want us all to be free to say whatever we think about our leaders... they are supposed to represent us. If we can't be honest about what we think about them and their actions, and when we think they're lying, then what kind of freedom do we have? If I can't campaign against our military and say they are like terrorists until we stop using them offensively, and purely for defense (for starters), then what kind of freedom do we have? It might not make me very popular, but is that not one of the reasons America IS great (like all the other countries where there is freedom of speech)... we are free to express those opinions, without being "punched in the face" (ha), or being told to "get out".
Peace to you, Vader. We live in the same country. Just because you don't respect the opinions of those that bash the crap out of our government, which doesn't seem very American of you, I'm not going to tell you you hate America. So just because I can't stand our government or what they do abroad (or domestically), don't assume I hate America. I went through a LOT of shit to move here because I love it here and I would go through it all again. If I live anywhere else it will be because I like to move around, not because I don't like it here. California in particular is insanely wonderful, the best place I ever lived by a million miles.
I'll show faith in my leaders when faith is due. When we have a Gorbachev, a Mandela, a Gandhi, another Clinton... I had faith in Clinton BTW... almost blind faith... so there. I don't hate all American governments, period. Just generally speaking. If you'd seen the things I'd seen around the world, the blood on our soldiers' hands, maybe you'd think less of our leaders too, maybe you'd even think less of those "glorious" soldiers some of whom we both call friends, but that you call heroes and freedom fighters, and that I call khaki-adorned terrorists. Note: I do not hate our soldiers or Islamic terrorists or anyone else - I just hate the things they do... i.e. following orders even when those orders are inhumane... and killing innocent people.
PS also, the California threads, the "favourite place in the world" threads, all go on about how much I love this and that part of America and why... you don't have to love a government to love a place... I can't stand Tony Blair, either, and Thatcher, who was our leader for longer than GWB will be leader here, I think was one of the great evil empirical leaders of our time, and I despise her.