What would you do?

Usually kill it, then use a toilet paper to pick it up. But in this case he has the upper hand :(


...currently wanking!
I would escort it out of the house :dunno:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Take it outside, really no reason to kill it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I don't understand the fear of spiders.
Piss on it.

That would still render the toilet paper useless, Dirk needed to make it clear if you are sitting on the toilet in need of the toilet paper in this scenario. If not I'd walk out and tell my mum to get rid of it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
More spiders there.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
But then there would be no more paper rolls.
I'd just scream like a little girl! :eek:

Plus, don't even think about crushing it or else you'll have LOTS of itty bitty spiders crawling all over the place and hiding until they all grow as big as the one you just crushed, sweet dreams, people