Let's say you are the son/daughter of Jenna Jameson or some other good looking pornstar, and you find out she was a former pornstar.
Out of curiousity you check on some of her older pornos online from when she was younger.
Now, it's looking good and you can tell your mother was a pro at her job, but you start getting a boner. Do you shamefully wack it? Or do you feel guilty and ashamed of wacking it to your own mother and close the browser?
What would you do?
Out of curiousity you check on some of her older pornos online from when she was younger.
Now, it's looking good and you can tell your mother was a pro at her job, but you start getting a boner. Do you shamefully wack it? Or do you feel guilty and ashamed of wacking it to your own mother and close the browser?
What would you do?