What would you do in this bizarre situation?

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Let's say you are the son/daughter of Jenna Jameson or some other good looking pornstar, and you find out she was a former pornstar.
Out of curiousity you check on some of her older pornos online from when she was younger.

Now, it's looking good and you can tell your mother was a pro at her job, but you start getting a boner. Do you shamefully wack it? Or do you feel guilty and ashamed of wacking it to your own mother and close the browser?

What would you do?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I would log off the computer and head to my nearest Amish community, where I would repent for my sins by making cheese and butter.
Cut your cock off and feed it to your dog. Then run into the street naked spraying blood all over the passers by, and finally making it to a wooded area where you huddle in a bush and wait for the animals to feed you and tend to your wounds. If they did that they would then raise you in the correct way, of eating shitting and sleeping, then you could live in the woods with the animals in your own world and you could forget that you saw your mum double penetrated and swallowing 6 guys cum at the same time. This would be the only rational way to deal with the fact that you wanked over you mum.

Or at least bleed to death.
Fair enough, but let's replace mom with "sister"
What if Jenna was your sister? How would you feel then? Would you wack it?
I would never whack off to my sister or mother or any other relative. And I wouldn't look long enough at said material to even have the possibility of getting a boner.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I don't think I could whack it to a relative either. But if I found out that a relative was a former/active pornstar, I'd trying to be cashing in on that as much as possible.

But if it was a relative, I think "cousin" would be a safe bet to use, agreed?


Retired Moderator
I think the reason why so many people find Jenna (or any pornstar) attractive is because she isn't your MoM!

If you "wack" it to your MoM then it would reasonable to believe that there would be a desire to have sex with her...

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Do NOT attempt to restart such topics.

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