what would you do if your son was GAY?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
But the military is thee most homophobic place on the face of the earth, not to mention mysognistic (women are being raped in the thousands in the American military). You must be in the 1 percentile of military personel - past and present - whom deems open displays of sexuality alright? :dunno:

Wrong. Any major religion is the biggest homophobe on the planet. The military pales in comparison to bible thumpers and their displays of homophobia.
Wrong. Any major religion is the biggest homophobe on the planet. The military pales in comparison to bible thumpers and their displays of homophobia.

Umm, really? They actually welcome homosexuals. They simply frown on "acting" homosexuality, not that I'm here to defend them (org. religion). But the point is the military is the most homophobic entity on the planet. Are you disputing this?
Umm, really? They actually welcome homosexuals. They simply frown on "acting" homosexuality, not that I'm here to defend them (org. religion). But the point is the military is the most homophobic entity on the planet. Are you disputing this?

Wrong! I see protest all the time from religious groups wearing very negative T-shirts against gays. I see it all the time in South Beach!
I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't be happy but I wouldnt get mad at him over it. I mean he would still be my son, and I would love him regardless. And to whoever said murder suicide, are you like 14 years old or what? because that was probably one of the most immature posts I've ever read.
Yeah. If you try send him to a religious camp they may actually reject him rather than help him. Thats the way some churches and religious groups act toward gays these days. That kind of attitude will never help them accomplish anything. Let the gay people live their lifestyle, just throw them in jail if they do it in public.
Wrong! I see protest all the time from religious groups wearing very negative T-shirts against gays. I see it all the time in South Beach!

I won't get into this with you but I disagree. Simply put, you have to distinguish between loons and people who are adamant about their goal. Not everyone who walks around with a "Jesus saves" shirt is a looney homophobe. I gaurantee you though if you go parading around on a military unit You Might wind up in the ICU.
I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't be happy but I wouldnt get mad at him over it. I mean he would still be my son, and I would love him regardless. And to whoever said murder suicide, are you like 14 years old or what? because that was probably one of the most immature posts I've ever read.

Dude, it was a joke! :rolleyes: I'm not some homicidal maniac, just, yeah...it would be a drag because of the way I would prefer my son to be, but like anything/anyone in life, I would deal with it.

Yeah. If you try send him to a religious camp they may actually reject him rather than help him. Thats the way some churches and religious groups act toward gays these days. That kind of attitude will never help them accomplish anything. Let the gay people live their lifestyle, just throw them in jail if they do it in public.

Study: Some 'gays' can become 'predominantly' heterosexual with psychotherapy


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Umm, really? They actually welcome homosexuals. They simply frown on "acting" homosexuality, not that I'm here to defend them (org. religion). But the point is the military is the most homophobic entity on the planet. Are you disputing this?

So, it's just a weird coincidence that most "anti-gay-marriage" protests are backed by and take place at church?

Yes, I'm disputing this. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have said that you were wrong.

Oh, and please explain exactly what this means, because it makes absolutely no sense to me...

They simply frown on "acting" homosexuality...

So, it's just a weird coincidence that most "anti-gay-marriage" protests are backed by and take place at church?

Yes, I'm disputing this. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have said that you were wrong.

you do realize that marriage and homosexuality aren't synonymous? that some gays dont want legalized marriage? that's another discussion, IMO.

Oh, and please explain exactly what this means, because it makes absolutely no sense to me...


the "act" of homosexuality. "practicing" homosexuality. Like I said, it's a whole 'nother discussion. that's a can of worms I don't even wanna get started with. ;)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
you do realize that marriage and homosexuality aren't synonymous? that some gays dont want legalized marriage? that's another discussion, IMO.

You do realize that they're not opposed to marriage itself, right? Only GAY marriage, hence, their disapproval of homosexuality.

the "act" of homosexuality. "practicing" homosexuality. Like I said, it's a whole 'nother discussion. that's a can of worms I don't even wanna get started with. ;)

That makes no sense, what-so-ever. How do you practice being gay without actually being gay? Are you saying that if a man sucks another man's dick just for fun, but that man is not gay himself, then he would be "practicing" being gay? Or, if a woman makes out with another woman, but goes to home to her boyfriend, then she would be "practicing" being gay? You're saying that the church hates those people, but not people who are actually gay?

Seriously, that makes no sense.

Most religions don't approve of homosexuality. It's hard to deny that so I don't see where your argument comes from.


Closed Account

Nothing.Just as long as he wouldn't try to fuck me up the arse.Although as
I brought him up over the past 18 years.I guess you could say he's fucked
me over already :1orglaugh

Oh well!!! Shit happens :)

i'd do absolutely nothing.

I'd do nothing against him.

There is nothing wrong with being gay and i have somone (singer) i added to .my mysace friends list who is gay and he is a very friendly person who isn't any different to me or you except that he likes guys

are you sure?
That makes no sense, what-so-ever. How do you practice being gay without actually being gay? Are you saying that if a man sucks another man's dick just for fun, but that man is not gay himself, then he would be "practicing" being gay? Or, if a woman makes out with another woman, but goes to home to her boyfriend, then she would be "practicing" being gay? You're saying that the church hates those people, but not people who are actually gay?

Seriously, that makes no sense.

Most religions don't approve of homosexuality. It's hard to deny that so I don't see where your argument comes from.

It's not my words, it's the churches. They call it "practicing" homosexuality. IOW, if you are "gay" and you don't "practice" the lifestyle, everything is fine. I'm not the one who came up with the shit, they did. But hey, like I said, can o' worms. :cool:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
It's not my words, it's the churches. They call it "practicing" homosexuality. IOW, if you are "gay" and you don't "practice" the lifestyle, everything is fine. I'm not the one who came up with the shit, they did. But hey, like I said, can o' worms. :cool:

Oh, see, I think you're just confusing the use of the word "practicing". Allow me to explain...

If you go to church everyday, participate in service, worship your individual god(s) and carry the same lifestyle outside of the church (being a good citizen, worshipping your god(s), etc), then you are practicing your religion. That doesn't mean you are trying to get better at it; it means that you are doing it.


If you walk into a dental practice, you aren't walking into some student's room so they can practice on you, in the sense of getting better at it. You are walking into a professional dentist's office, because they practice (DO) dentistry.


Well, I'd start by sitting him down, take out a big notebook, and ask him for tips on decorating the house.

Seriously...most every post here could be applied to a straight son or daughter.
Black? White? Asian? Overweight? Smart? Dumb? Get ready for the ride...someone somewhere hates you for that, and will give you some serious shit for no reason other than that. And for God's sake, use a condom!
I have at least one relative who's gay...we have fun with it, and nothing else is different except the parents aren't looking for any Grandkids from that direction.
By and large I haven't seen any noticeable grief given by Jews to gays...or come to think of it, most Christians either. "Headquarters" may have an official position, but the majority of people worry about their own souls more than someone else's.
I of course speak only of those people I have known or met over the years; I can't speak for any individual poster's circle of people.
Oh, see, I think you're just confusing the use of the word "practicing". Allow me to explain...

If you go to church everyday, participate in service, worship your individual god(s) and carry the same lifestyle outside of the church (being a good citizen, worshipping your god(s), etc), then you are practicing your religion. That doesn't mean you are trying to get better at it; it means that you are doing it.


If you walk into a dental practice, you aren't walking into some student's room so they can practice on you, in the sense of getting better at it. You are walking into a professional dentist's office, because they practice (DO) dentistry.

I think so. Kinda. Sorta. It's a different analogy you are using. For example, if a person is gay (whether they are born that way or not, which again, is another discussion), and they don't fuck other guys in the ass, then they are alright with the church, because they are'nt practicing homosexuality. That's as simple a definition I can give. :dunno:


I love big booty too!
Nothing. The only thing that matters is his happiness. Fortunately I live in a country where being gay is no issue and seen as nothing special or offensive by 99% of the population.