What Would a Communist Do?

Will E Worm

The best person to answer that question would be a communist. Since I don't have a communist under my bed (I looked), I turned to the Communist Party USA as a source. Here then, is my report on what the CPUSA has been up to recently (or at least what it is willing to post on its public web site). http://www.cpusa.org/

(Some of you might be thinking it a bit retro to call someone a communist. I am very aware that we cannot read what is written in the heart of another man. But when a person is a member of the Communist Party, calls himself a communist, and justifies his arguments based on the teachings of Marx and Lenin, I think it safe to call him a communist.)

The CPUSA's home page consists of various articles posted in reverse chronological order. I list and summarize those below.

Resetting the Health Care Debate, by Sam Webb, National Chair, 9/10/2009. In this article, Sam praises President Obama's speech of the previous night for turning the debate back around after being attacked by

"the right-wing extremists, the letting loose of the demagogues of hatred, fear, racism, and division, and the digging in of private insurance companies and other sections of corporate America. ....

"As for the supporters of health care reform, we have to be every bit as tenacious as right-wing reaction. Justice, morality, and truth are on our side, but they are not enough. Only when combined with persistence, united action, and struggle over the bill's content, including a public option, will real health care reform see the light of day."

So what would a communist do about health care? Support Obama, tenaciously and with persistence, and especially insist on including a public option. And attack your opponents as right-wing extremists and racists.

More here...

"President Obama and progressive Congress people can't be the only change agents and will be change agents only up to a point. Our responsibility is to support them, prod them, and constructively take issue with them when we have differing views.

"But more importantly -- and this is the heart of the matter -- we have to reach, activate, unite, educate, and turn millions of Americans into ‘change agents' who can make the political difference in upcoming struggles."

In this context, I think what Sam means by "change" is change to Marxism.



Meh dunno about him but personally not into taking the whole Lenin and Marxism route all the way to its conclusion. But rather just topple the current systems and start from scratch again, Yea sure their will be corruption and all this shit back again eventually........But the keyword here is eventually. Bank and corporation culture needs a kick in the balls.


I would bet Sam has no problem with being called a communist ( he does belong to the CPUSA after all).I also support their agenda 100% and have no problem being called a communist as it is defined by the CPUSA, and beleive me I would not be caught anywhere near your bed WillE.:D

I would also like to mention and promote the upcoming convention they are having.:thumbsup:

Lets have a big turnout for the rights of workers and to promote their agenda!;)

I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to Petra as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still posting and shaping the policy of the Freeones Board

What would a communist do? Whatever Obama is doing except the commie would do it by force and any opposition would just be shot (if they're lucky)

So Obama has to defend himself for who supports him?

Wonder how GOPer Ron Paul does defending himself for White Supremacists co-opting his message for their ends.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Communism is the best. You know it is true, Will.