What Will Israel Be Or Look Like In 100 Years?

The Middle East is an ever-changing place every day. We see IS trying to carve out their state and the Egyptians changing back and forth then back again. Hussein, Gaddafi, and Mubarak are gone. Saudi King Abdullah, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Bashar Assad remain.

Israel is a multicultural society with a shifting voting demographic. Their military involvements are either good, bad, or something in the middle depending on who you ask. Sometimes they get support and sometimes isolation.

Now, what will Israel be or look like in 100 years? How diverse and democratic will they remain?
It's hard to say. I think a lot of it depends on how much support they get from other places. Considering it's the Middle East though I wouldn't be surprised if everything is exactly like it is now and like it has been for thousands of years with the exception that technology might give everybody in the area more toys. The fundamental issues that have driven the place haven't changed since civilization first sprang up in the area. I have trouble seeing it changing any time soon.

I do think artificially forcing the Israeli state to exist after WWII was one of the dumber things the world did in the modern era. While I might feel sympathy for the ancient Israelites that were pushed out thousands of years ago and Jews after the holocaust, at some point claims to land have a statue of limitations in my opinion. Otherwise everybody on Earth would be guilty in some form or another because where they are at once belonged to some other people a long time ago or their ancestors did something to somebody else. It can get to be ridiculous. What is done is done though and time can't be reversed to change it. I don't blame anybody now for what others did before they were ever alive, and I think everybody should live in peace and treat others right in the region but few good things have come out trying to give both the Israelites and Arabs that land. I would hope that all people in the area could someday see themselves as one people and treat each other as such, but I don’t see that coming any time soon.
This will be one of the greatest questions of the 21st century. All of the figures and factors you mention are completely valid. I feel there will be some sort of 'revolution' there; however, not necessarily the next 'Arab Spring', but I am interested how it will play out. There is so much instability based on the Middle East, but I would argue even moreso for the 'Western powers'. Just look at the U.S. spying on Germany, involvement or univolvement in a particular conflict, etc. I cannot say definitively what it will be, but I doubt it will mirror the Israel we see today.
It's too late to pull the plug on Israel but I don't think they will survive peacefully in the 21st centure as their society has become too nationalistic and socially conservative to live in peace and Israel certainly cannot survive without American money to fund it's military and economy. Many young Israeli citizens are leaving the country because there's no earning potential in the Israeli economy unless you happen to be in the .5% of ultra-wealthy Jewish financiers and support for Zionist philosophy and nationalism is waning in the younger citizens. As far as diversity goes, there really is none in Israel. There's a handful of minorities but it's not really a diverse place like Canada or the UK because it's the opposite of those countries in many respects.
Making long-time predictions in a region that's movinglike the Middle East is impossible

Will E Worm

Does the earth have a hundred years left?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It's hard to say. I think a lot of it depends on how much support they get from other places. Considering it's the Middle East though I wouldn't be surprised if everything is exactly like it is now and like it has been for thousands of years with the exception that technology might give everybody in the area more toys. The fundamental issues that have driven the place haven't changed since civilization first sprang up in the area. I have trouble seeing it changing any time soon.

I do think artificially forcing the Israeli state to exist after WWII was one of the dumber things the world did in the modern era. While I might feel sympathy for the ancient Israelites that were pushed out thousands of years ago and Jews after the holocaust, at some point claims to land have a statue of limitations in my opinion. Otherwise everybody on Earth would be guilty in some form or another because where they are at once belonged to some other people a long time ago or their ancestors did something to somebody else. It can get to be ridiculous. What is done is done though and time can't be reversed to change it. I don't blame anybody now for what others did before they were ever alive, and I think everybody should live in peace and treat others right in the region but few good things have come out trying to give both the Israelites and Arabs that land. I would hope that all people in the area could someday see themselves as one people and treat each other as such, but I don’t see that coming any time soon.

Excellent post. Too bad the system won't let me rep you right now. But I owe ya some. :thumbsup:
I think it will look much like it does today a sovereign and a jewish nation.

I'm convinced that any attempts to make it otherwise will fall flat on it's face.

Study what happened in 1948. Israel's military victory while being outnumbered 100-1 and facing superior weaponry defies any logic. They shouldn't even be here. But yet they are.

The United States will be a faded memory and Israel will still be.

Will E Worm

Oh, absolutely.

Now the people of Earth on the other hand. That's much less guaranteed.

Then we should blow the earth up while we still have the chance.

If the World ends and we all die we should just deny it so everything will be alright like nothing ever happened.


I do think artificially forcing the Israeli state to exist after WWII was one of the dumber things the world did in the modern era.

General Patton's Clear Vision : Why He Was Murdered Link

The United States will be a faded memory and Israel will still be.



what the fuck you lookin at?
In a 100 years I'm sure the entire part of the wold will be a sheet of glass. And as for america, and indeed the rest of the world it will mostly resemble Hiroshima or Nagasaki post WWII.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Benji Nut&Yahoo said it best... darn near 20 years ago:

"I believe that we can now say that Israel has reached childhood's end, that it has matured enough to begin approaching a state of self-reliance. We are going to achieve economic independence [from the United States]."

---Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a Joint Session of the United States Congress - Washington D.C., July 10, 1996
(Source: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs )

But it still hasn't happened (and this figure is actually on the lowest end of the estimated total aid given):

In 1997, Israel received $3.1 billion in aid from the U.S. In 2012, Israel was still receiving $3.1 billion annually in U.S. aid.

Why? Because the only way to detach a tick from a dog is with a lit cigarette. The tick will never willingly detach... even after the dog dies. It is well past the time to kill the (treasonous) Cranston Amendment and send this tick on its way.


Staff member
Israel is one of the very few democracies remaining in the Middle East