What was your favorite nintendo game

Why the fuck hasn't anyone mentioned Zelda? :confused:
Oh please, Montana is too slow in Tecmo Super Bowl. Marino has the faster snap and better arm. You know, because all the characters were extremely accurate to their actual skills. :rolleyes:

Handing it off to Okoye was my weapon of choice....and I used to love playing Pro Bowls against my friends.....Always AFC, always Okoye and Jackson in the backfield.


My friend tild me that you can still play them even if your nintendo does not work he said that youcan buy something and but it to any play station and it will work

Ive got all the old games from , Nintendo , Sega & Arcade games downloaded on discs somewhere , just go to downloads.com and you can download all the programmes and games and play them.

I think the Arcade one is called MAME
Super Mario Bros. 3
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!
& of course,
Batman (which coincided with the 1989 film, and proved that a good Batman game could get produced waaaaay before Batman: Arkham Asylum)

With SNES, I would say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time would definately be right up there for that particular console.
no it's not with a good memory it's eazy to beat with just 3 lives.
There's always that stray bullet, or soldier that appears from behind a wall of spread gun fire and shoots you, or glitch that kills you when you touch a tank that you just blew up, etc...

... the two posts above yours?

Dammit! I hate missing shit like that, and getting called out on it! :mad: :crash:
up down up down left right left right A B A B Select Start....:D

Thats the first that comes to mind. but there were tons! Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3, Tyson's Punchout, RBI Baseball...and that's just regular nintendo

best party game was supernintendo's Super Bomberman

N64's MarioKart and Goldeneye were awesome!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Dammit! I hate missing shit like that, and getting called out on it! :mad: :crash:

Especially when she was naked and holding a controller. How the fuck did You Miss that, dude? You Might want to check a mirror though. Seriously, I think your gay is showing a little...

(Please don't ban me, yet)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Tecmo Super Bowl. Even today, I would whoop all your candy asses in that game.

I'd use the Raiders and have Bo Jackson make players bounce off him like.................something that bounces off of another thing with great frequency.

Too bad you'll never be able to back up your bold claim.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Too bad you'll never be able to back up your bold claim.

I played the game in my mind. Sadly, you didn't score at all. :( I'm kind of a big deal...