what was the worst pain you've ever felt?


I've led a strange life...
Triple Bypass surgery, with a collapsed lung that required a tube in my lung for 2 weeks...owww!
Torn rotator cuff, fractured right arm, torn ligament in my knee, dislocated shoulder (recurring), 3 root canals, then 15 teeth extracted in one visit,with many excrutiating toothaches before the extractions; rear-ended at a stoplight, with whiplash that took years to get straight, many heartaches over lost love that hurt as much as any injury...all that stuff passes, I am in great shape now and work at a hard labor job 6 days a week, but I can say the worst pain I ever felt was something nasty in my stomach that caused the most painful cramps imaginable. I passed out from the pain and had to wait 2 days until it passed. (Shoulda washed my hands before eating those French Fries!)
Hard to believe I've survived my life, and all I have now is the occasional sore back.
All the serious injuries in this thread make me feel lucky to have missed any permanent damage (Dixie, you sure recovered well!:thumbsup:); I think about that occasionally when I'm on a 24' ladder in a high wind!:rofl:


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Almost ripping my knee from my body when I was 6 in a bike accident.

Almost breaking every bone in my face when I was 8 in a bike accident.

Getting novacaine shots in my fingers while getting stitches when I was 15 and 20. I also got them for getting my wisdom teeth out when I was 17.
Back in the day (when i was a dog) a gal whose heart I broke told me that she had a VD. So I had to go get checked (it was negative) The test involved a nurse shoving a devise similar to a long q-tip up my pee hole. That was the worst pain I ever felt.


Take a Hit, Spunker!


I thought I posted that at some point, but my brain is taking the day off today. In the words of famous people....OOPS!! :helpme:

Ok um.....I was stung by a wasp when I was a kid right on the heart. I had a big mark for a few days, not to mention it hurt like a bitch.

It deserved to be posted twice...that was a lot of pain for a little boy.
I Have Crohn's which can be very painful. But worst was probably last year I got a compound fracture in my hand and shot my pinkie bone out the top of my hand and that hurt pretty bad esp when they tried to set it even though it was broke in half and had to get surgery on it anyway
Physically? My son pulled off the cliche "baseball bat to the groin" routine, with a great level of success, like he was fucking Albert Pujols. I swear to God, I almost cried.
Some tough s*** in here.
I'm the type of guy that's not much for crying or stuff like that. I mean, honestly, it can't always be avoided. But I'm not talking about feelings, I'm talking about physical pain here. Anyone who never almost cryed or passed out due to pain probably hasn't had real pain yet. Or at least what would be defined as pain by a physician.
And I had (and at the moment still have) my fair share of pain in my live so far, believe me. Some people would need at least one heavy car accident for that. Just had some bad luck the last years. I've been a healthy child and teenager, but the last years have been absolutely horrible. Some stuff that has been dormant (since birth probably) and some stuff that came on top of that, as if the other s*** hadn't been enough. But as I'm not the guy to spill his guts in front of a world wide audience, I'm not gonna go into details. Thank god I live in a country with a good health care system. Otherwise I'd probably be dead or at least no longer be able to work and study.
The worst pain I've felt is probably when I snapped my forearm and the bottom part of my leg in a car accident. It was the worst pain in my entire life, though it was short. I can only remember 5 seconds of it, because I passed out. I could then remember being rushed into the E.R (about 5 seconds of that too) but that's it. Very painful. I now have a metal plate in both my arm and the bottom part of my leg, still hurts every now and then.


Closed Account
So far it seems people that posted have been through a world of hurt.

I have been fortunate in the physical pain part: wasp when 4 or 5; bluebottles, (jellyfish) - never, ever touch them, ever; also a student dentist who nearly had to scrape me off the ceiling while performing root canal.

The emotional pain I have been through for some time, though, on the other hand, I would not wish on even my most hating enemy.

Maybe its a thing of balance in life, but I never want to go through that again. Loss of both parents, brother and sister. Hey, I'm not crying. Huh. I must be getting stronger.
The worst pain i've felt so far was at the dentists when i was about 5. He gassed me enough to be sick so when he tried using gas again, i refused. So he thought he'd just strap me in n pull my teeth out anyway. Never been since.
I've had alot of emotional pain but the worst is yet to come.
Broke my arm once, when it got cast it seemed fine but when the bone started "healing" it came with a cramping pain. And since it was cast i couldnt move my arm, it was painfull enough for me to start screaming at the top of my lungs in the middle of class, but compared to some guys here i shouldnt complain.