I've led a strange life...
Triple Bypass surgery, with a collapsed lung that required a tube in my lung for 2 weeks...owww!
Torn rotator cuff, fractured right arm, torn ligament in my knee, dislocated shoulder (recurring), 3 root canals, then 15 teeth extracted in one visit,with many excrutiating toothaches before the extractions; rear-ended at a stoplight, with whiplash that took years to get straight, many heartaches over lost love that hurt as much as any injury...all that stuff passes, I am in great shape now and work at a hard labor job 6 days a week, but I can say the worst pain I ever felt was something nasty in my stomach that caused the most painful cramps imaginable. I passed out from the pain and had to wait 2 days until it passed. (Shoulda washed my hands before eating those French Fries!)
Hard to believe I've survived my life, and all I have now is the occasional sore back.
All the serious injuries in this thread make me feel lucky to have missed any permanent damage (Dixie, you sure recovered well!:thumbsup
; I think about that occasionally when I'm on a 24' ladder in a high wind!:rofl:
Triple Bypass surgery, with a collapsed lung that required a tube in my lung for 2 weeks...owww!
Torn rotator cuff, fractured right arm, torn ligament in my knee, dislocated shoulder (recurring), 3 root canals, then 15 teeth extracted in one visit,with many excrutiating toothaches before the extractions; rear-ended at a stoplight, with whiplash that took years to get straight, many heartaches over lost love that hurt as much as any injury...all that stuff passes, I am in great shape now and work at a hard labor job 6 days a week, but I can say the worst pain I ever felt was something nasty in my stomach that caused the most painful cramps imaginable. I passed out from the pain and had to wait 2 days until it passed. (Shoulda washed my hands before eating those French Fries!)
Hard to believe I've survived my life, and all I have now is the occasional sore back.
All the serious injuries in this thread make me feel lucky to have missed any permanent damage (Dixie, you sure recovered well!:thumbsup