Hi-lalrious. You reveal yourself to be a complete moron. In Aikido the black belt dan rankings are only earned up to 3rd Dan. Anything above that is AWARDED by Hombu Dojo in Japan for achivements in Aikido or spreading the budo. It's not like you test out for 5th Dan.
Obviously you're a twit. And you remind me a lot of an ex-sensei I know who thought he was a god in his own mind too. I trained for three years plus change, attended seminars in and out of the country, and drank with Sensei's who know and have trained with Sensei Segal or his sempai. Sinice you're the rank expert, where would someone with ~800 hours of training be slotted? Now, go watch some more youtube clips and read the wiki articles. You can also get some good books on ebay, or I'll sell you the ones you need so you don't sound like the typical 16 year old who's watched Kill Bill and thinks they know it all. Please respond, you're posts are the hightligh of my day and many other aikidoka and ex-aikidoka.
(Sorry...unlike yourself I don't hang around on YouTube or Ebay.)
Wow...so, you show other unspiritual aikidoka your posts on FreeOnes? All the fine threads, like "
When does "big tits" start for you? ",
" Who made you cum today?",
"are you heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual ? (BE HONEST!)", and the ever popular hot topic
"Hooters - in China ??!!??!!"...you gather all your buds around and share my posts with them, proud to show the intellectual level of 'Net discussions you partake in?:rofl:
I really believe you do that, lame as you seem to be...:thumbsup:
I have read some writings before by Morihei Ueshiba, the creator of Aikido, particularly his 3 moments of enlightenment; good to think on, but my favorite was someone who wrote about how "experience is not really the best teacher, as having the test before the lesson is not a wise course to follow" (something along those lines); some wisdom you probably don't get at all, low level as you seem to be in the spiritually enlightened department.
Where can I find some writings that suggest a strong path would be to denigrate a Sensei, or disparage someones skills and accomplishments from 2nd hand rumor and opinions of people who actually knew the Master, and had issues with them?
Also, can you direct me to some structured literature where it says a Dad would appoint someone to 3 higher Dans of Aikido without their actually having the skills justifying the ranking? I wonder how all the other Masters would feel about Steven being raised to such an elevated level without any skills to justify it other than to have married a daughter?
I mean, wouldn't everyone in Japan want to study in a Dojo of a disgraceful Master who actually was a 2nd rate 3rd Dan Sensei?
And of course, those are your words, not mine, so does that make you the actual "
complete moron"?
You do strike me as the type of student who joins a "Kung Fu school" to learn to break boards...

As any other person who flings such silly insults at me as "complete moron", your obvious ignorance and inability to compete on a purely verbal level is noteworthy, and I'm sure you will grace the site with more deep insights and spiritual boastings on your high level of Martial Arts accomplishments... :jester: