What the hell Steven Seagal? You're supposed to uphold the law! Not break it!

Pfft! Seagal never could top his one and only work of absolute genius. Not even as a supposed 'law man' with a propensity for sex toys.


Hiliary 2020
I really could see both sides of the story here...

Wealthy action star on a power-trip rapes his production assistant? Plausible.

Gold-digging production assistant gets hooked on coke and then accuses her boss of rape when he fires her? Plausible.

And if I had to guess, I'd say we'll probably never know the whole truth, since this will probably be resolved out of court with a fat check to the accuser and a gag order on all involved.

only post that made sense here, besides mine.
By Steven Seagal, are we talking about the overweight has been martial arts washout?

Hes an ex (insert specialist military group), hes on a mission of revenge after someone killed (Insert member of family tree), using every cheesy one line his acting skill can muster, culminating in fight scene where he'll be weaponless and surrounded by a ring of thugs he'll take down with his limited....I mean unlimlited array of martial arts.
Who does this Steven Seagal guy think he is, Ben Roethlisberger???

Actually I don't believe this. Is nothing sacred? The next crazy story you guys are going to post is that Pee Wee Herman is jerking off in public or something completely outrageous like that.

Seriously though, I actually liked most of Seagal's movies. At least the ones before he decided he had to make a political message.


The hate towards Seagal in this thread is almost palpable.

A 7th-dan black belt in Aikido, Seagal began his adult life as an Aikido instructor in Japan. He became the first foreigner to operate an Aikido dojo in Japan.

In total, his movies have earned in excess of $923 million worldwide. In addition to his professional achievements, he is also known as an environmentalist, an animal rights activist and a supporter of the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, and the Tibetan independence movement.

Yeah...a real has-been and a washed-up actor. Super asshole, too...:rolleyes:

Actually, sounds like a lot of loser types jealous that Steven has so much and they don't...so some Bimbo claims whatever, and people who should know better suddenly know what happened, and heap shit on Steven.
Seagal...is so much of a real deal, most of ya'll have no earthly clue how far above you he is.

A lot...
You're right, I am so Jealous of Steven Seagal I cry myself to sleep at night. Under Siege is like a bible to me and there is no arguement that cannot be settled by quoting one of his classic macho man lines.

Its a poor arguement to say that because we dislike the man, we are jealous of him.

Hes a poor actor who cashed in on Martial arts skill, Jean Claude Van Damme did the same and look how high his career is flying right now. The last bunch of SS's straight to DVD bargain bin flops have a formula so similair its actually a form of tortue to be subjected to watching them.

He used to be good, hell some of his brainless brand of action movie was entertaining once upon a time.


You're right, I am so Jealous of Steven Seagal I cry myself to sleep at night. Under Siege is like a bible to me and there is no arguement that cannot be settled by quoting one of his classic macho man lines.

Its a poor arguement to say that because we dislike the man, we are jealous of him.

Hes a poor actor who cashed in on Martial arts skill, Jean Claude Van Damme did the same and look how high his career is flying right now. The last bunch of SS's straight to DVD bargain bin flops have a formula so similair its actually a form of tortue to be subjected to watching them.

He used to be good, hell some of his brainless brand of action movie was entertaining once upon a time.

But true nonetheless...
Not one post said he was an asshole or guilty of what the bimbo said he did because he made lame movies...
Most every post dissed the man (incorrectly) and assumed his guilt based on a personal dislike of the man, not the quality of his movies.
Please quote one post where someone said he must be guilty because he made boring movies...

And I do like to quote one line in particular :" Fuck you...and die!" Clear, to the point, and very final.
I dont like Hitler either, but that doesnt mean Im jealous of him. I dont have a personal interest in the man, I am not saying he did or did not do what he is being accused of. I have nothing else to judge the man on besides his movies, I dont follow his personal life. Do you know him personally? Why are you so sure hes innocent? Why your hardline stance at his innocence, so much so any person who dislikes him is jealous?

Its as bad as another member who called me gay for disliking one model on another thread?

Can you tell me something about him that was not taken from a biographical, for all intents carefully edited to favour him website? We all have skeletons in our closet, and if he did do what he was accused of then wouldnt that just be a bitch?

And your chosen quote? Subtle!


I dont like Hitler either, but that doesnt mean Im jealous of him. I dont have a personal interest in the man, I am not saying he did or did not do what he is being accused of. I have nothing else to judge the man on besides his movies, I dont follow his personal life. Do you know him personally? Why are you so sure hes innocent? Why your hardline stance at his innocence, so much so any person who dislikes him is jealous?

Its as bad as another member who called me gay for disliking one model on another thread?

Can you tell me something about him that was not taken from a biographical, for all intents carefully edited to favour him website? We all have skeletons in our closet, and if he did do what he was accused of then wouldnt that just be a bitch?

And your chosen quote? Subtle!
Now you're entering the realm of "silly"...
No where did I single you out in my post, but now you have decided it's all about you. OK...whatever makes you feel real.
Like I said...all the "he's an asshole" posts were purely predicated on a personal dislike of Seagal, but not one example of ...oh, say a previous act similar to this alleged assault.
Yet he was judged all sorts of nasty stuff from no real fact base...and I know Seagal is a seriously hard-core man, not a Hollywood fluff like Sean Penn or Tim Robbins. The inner discipline to reach 1st Dan in Aikido is beyond the reach of most standard issue humans, and Steven is 7th Dan and has a long history of successes...I care less how many "problems" he has had in the past, gossip isn't a good selling commodity if it's not bad.
Nearly a billion Dollars in movie gross receipts is a real thing, and he uses his time for good things.

As for my favorite quote...I must assume you decided it was my attempt at being subtle and calling you a name or something...NOT.

Grow up or grow a pair or something...I care not what you think. That happens to be MY FAVORITE QUOTE from Steven in his movie roles...not subtle, not sarcasm, just a straight up statement. Not about you, not about anything, but a simple comment.

Ignore it, worry about it, eat it...I don't care.
You qouted my post, how can I not feel singled out, especially with the highlighting of my text.

Anyone on the board reading that delightful favourite quote would read it at as an attempt at wit.

Why does every big man on the board, nay, the internet try to win an arguement by saying "I dont care", you must care or you would not have come back and left such a long post. If you didnt care, why post in the thread to begin with? No wait, Im forgetting, you dont care so I wont be looking for a reply. Course if you do, then you do care.


You qouted my post, how can I not feel singled out, especially with the highlighting of my text.

Anyone on the board reading that delightful favourite quote would read it at as an attempt at wit.

Why does every big man on the board, nay, the internet try to win an arguement by saying "I dont care", you must care or you would not have come back and left such a long post. If you didnt care, why post in the thread to begin with? No wait, Im forgetting, you dont care so I wont be looking for a reply. Course if you do, then you do care.

You're beginning to babble...:nono:
If you have seen his show "lawman" where he is a volunteer cop you would know without a doubt what a huge Douchebag he is. He is speaking ebonics and saying every 5 seconds how he is a martial artist...blah..blah.. and how he is so intune with the streets..blah..blah..and how he is a bhuddist..blah..blah.. He definately has some serious issues and I wouldnt be surprised one bit if he physically abused his wife and sexually assaulted women when he got the chance.


If you have seen his show "lawman" where he is a volunteer cop you would know without a doubt what a huge Douchebag he is. He is speaking ebonics and saying every 5 seconds how he is a martial artist...blah..blah.. and how he is so intune with the streets..blah..blah..and how he is a bhuddist..blah..blah.. He definately has some serious issues and I wouldnt be surprised one bit if he physically abused his wife and sexually assaulted women when he got the chance.

Knowledge through real world experience...

(don't you have "spell checker", or an education?)