What the hell Steven Seagal? You're supposed to uphold the law! Not break it!

A former model accused actor Steven Seagal of using her as his "sex toy" after she was hired to be his assistant, a lawsuit filed this week said.

The action movie star's lawyer called the sexual harassment suit "a complete fabrication" and said the woman was fired for using illegal drugs.

Kayden Nguyen, 23, answered an online Craigslist ad for an executive assistant job at Seagal's production company in February and was soon on his private jet taking off from Los Angeles, California, bound for New Orleans, Louisiana, the suit said.

Seagal's A&E reality series -- "Steven Seagal: Lawman" -- films segments in New Orleans.

"As the jet taxied down the runway, Mr. Seagal turned to Ms. Nguyen and said 'I'm a family man, and I live with my wife, but she wouldn't care if you were my lover,' " the suit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court said.

"Ms. Nguyen decided to take a wait and see attitude," the suit said.

After Nguyen arrived in New Orleans, "she learned that the job she was expected to perform had nothing to do with being an 'executive assistant,' " it said.

Over the next five days, she was sexually assaulted three times by Seagal at a house "many miles from New Orleans in a remote rural area of Jefferson Parish," the suit said.

Seagal also kept "two young Russian 'attendants' on staff who were available for his sexual needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week," it said.


Oh, Steven Seagal, my, my, my. I guess we know what kind of cop you are! A DIRTY cop!

Ba-doom! Ba-doom! Ba-doom!


van damme>seagal. he always looked like a greasy date rapist.

BUT... we do not know what actually happened, and won't know until there is more information, so let's not be too quick to judge here.
Considering it's Steven Seagal is anybody that surprised by this? This would be far from the first shady thing he has been accused of.

van damme>seagal. he always looked like a greasy date rapist.

BUT... we do not know what actually happened, and won't know until there is more information, so let's not be too quick to judge here.

There has been very many rumors said throughout the years by people that have been close to them that seem to indicate that both of them are pretty much complete assholes.


Hiliary 2020
i don't know, he's rich enough to buy pussy whenever he wants, why put an add in craigslist under false pretenses just to set your self up for a lawsuit?

so he's either really stupid or she's really lying for money and exposure.
All of these [supposed] tough guy actors are nothing but pompous assholes. I have good friends who work in La-La land that tell me things nobody would ever believe. I'm pretty sure the late Mister Rogers had some skeletons in his closet.
Sensei Seagal is a very high ranking master in the martial art I used to study, Aikido. It seems he doesn't practice what he preaches about honor. Typical douchebag.


Lol, I think once you become a cop your mind shifts or something. That's crazy for him to do something like that and I doubt he did. Why would he need to rape some chick?
Lol, I think once you become a cop your mind shifts or something. That's crazy for him to do something like that and I doubt he did. Why would he need to rape some chick?

because he could...the being in control, power-trip, dominating thing is what gets fuckers like that off on...that said, there were definitely a lot of details missing from the article to come to any conclusions and i have a feeling this chick simply saw an opportunity and took it, agree to go to his house away from every one, fuck him etc then afterward claim she was assaulted and sue him and boom...she doesn't have to work any more...when a woman calls sexual assault on someone it's pretty much guaranteed conviction on the man unless there is SOLID evidence against it which is next to impossible to come up with and easy enough to negate with a slight change or addition to the story...:2 cents:

if steven did indeed rape the chick then fuck him. but i agree he shouldn't have the need to, there's plenty of willing chicks out there to play into a submission type thing if that's what he wanted, but hey, who knows right :dunno:
we do not know what actually happened, and won't know until there is more information, so let's not be too quick to judge here.

Just when it seemed he was getting his “career” back on track. This will bring it to a standstill again. Even if he is found not to have done these things?
I really could see both sides of the story here...

Wealthy action star on a power-trip rapes his production assistant? Plausible.

Gold-digging production assistant gets hooked on coke and then accuses her boss of rape when he fires her? Plausible.

And if I had to guess, I'd say we'll probably never know the whole truth, since this will probably be resolved out of court with a fat check to the accuser and a gag order on all involved.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well he did kill Screwface and his twin...so if he can do that, then his probadly going to do other bad things too.