What religion are you?

What religion are you?

  • Catholic

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • Protestant

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Buddhistic

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Moslem

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Atheistic

    Votes: 15 22.4%
  • Amish

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Another

    Votes: 23 34.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Did someone actually put Amish in a computer poll?

It is my understanding that during the late teenage years or thereabouts, the amish kids are encouraged to partake of modern and earthly delights. Then they make the decision if they want to live the Amish life at the end of it. So there coud be amish on here. I stand to be corrected if I am in error.
it'll probably sound dumb, but...

is there such thing (ignore list) ? :dunno:

what does it do ?

and why do you have the good ol' willy ?

http://board.freeones.com/profile.php?do=ignorelist <--- the ignore list

It hides posts from users you've put on your on it.

Since all Will does is post flame bait & since I've been tempted to take the bait myself a few times (& since that's not such a smart idea, considering it'd end in a flame war & we all know Will likes to play innocent then) I decided it was smarter to put him on my ignore list.

All you see from that poster if he's on said list is the following message.

This user is on your Ignore List.
It is my understanding that during the late teenage years or thereabouts, the amish kids are encouraged to partake of modern and earthly delights. Then they make the decision if they want to live the Amish life at the end of it. So there coud be amish on here. I stand to be corrected if I am in error.

Wow, if that's true that is absolutely horrible. That's like having eyesight for 18 years and then having to be blind for the rest of your life. At least if you were born blind you wouldn't know what you were missing.
Wow, if that's true that is absolutely horrible. That's like having eyesight for 18 years and then having to be blind for the rest of your life. At least if you were born blind you wouldn't know what you were missing.

It's called Rumspringa and the kids don't have to go back. It's actually a pretty good concept. Parents care for you and guide you until you can care for and guide yourself. Then you go and see how the regular folks live and you can come back or stay out there in the real world depending on what you feel is the right way to live.

Of course it ain't easy for an Amish person to live on their own after growing up in Amish country, but that's a result of change in the outside world, not some Amish trick. A hundred years ago an Amish teenager could leave and lead a successful life. And a lot of them did. Many became Quakers.
It's called Rumspringa and the kids don't have to go back. It's actually a pretty good concept. Parents care for you and guide you until you can care for and guide yourself. Then you go and see how the regular folks live and you can come back or stay out there in the real world depending on what you feel is the right way to live.

Of course it ain't easy for an Amish person to live on their own after growing up in Amish country, but that's a result of change in the outside world, not some Amish trick. A hundred years ago an Amish teenager could leave and lead a successful life. And a lot of them did. Many became Quakers.

Oh but it is just "some Amish trick" (well not just Amish, every single religion). It's called indoctrination. The brainwashing of kids before they can even speak. Of course most of them are going to go back to the Amish life, they were raised into thinking that way (but that's not to say that they won't miss the things from the 'real world'). Horrible. Religion is the great separator/oppressor.
that is true, no one wants to be controlled...
I am just little bit puzzled with some of the rasta interpretations of the bible. For me it is hard to imagine what exactly do people see in that strange and complicated combination of judaism and afrocentrism. Or, better to say, how they handle that ideas. There are different branches of rasta movement, but everytime the fundamentals are kinda fuzzy, its hard to trace the outcome of their beliefs. Holy Piby? Kebra Nagast? Was really hard to inwardly digest that stuff even in a simplified and compact variant. Rasta raise Marcus Garvey, but he himself called them fanatics. For me it is interesting to talk about a vision of a culture with its adept: to make things more clear and take look "from inside", not from another article or song lyrics... I always try it. The answer to the basic question `what is good and what is bad` is not so obvious in case with rasta. In fact all of us are part of the Babylon, which got to be burned...

Thank you for your answer, I've got your intussusception - one more to add to my bank of conceptions.

Rastas believe that Haile Selassie I was the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah since he stopped Italy from occupying Ethiopia. Ethipians were the decendents of the tribe of Judah and God came back to Earth in the form of Salasie in order to secure Africa from White colonialism and deliver Africans back to Africa (Mt Zion) from America (Babylon)

Garvey wanted African-Americans to return to Africa, that's why "Rastas" call his name. Most Jamaicans aren't Rastas, most Rastas have no idea what Rastafari is and being a White "Rasta" would mean that you want Black folks to go back to Africa. It's a silly religion based on a brief glimmer of hope. It it wasn't for Marley, it'd be about as legitimate as the Branch Davidians are.
Oh but it is just "some Amish trick" (well not just Amish, every single religion). It's called indoctrination. The brainwashing of kids before they can even speak. Of course most of them are going to go back to the Amish life, they were raised into thinking that way (but that's not to say that they won't miss the things from the 'real world'). Horrible. Religion is the great separator/oppressor.

I agree with your stance about religion, but it wasn't about indoctrination with the Amish. The Amish were self-reliant. They didn't barter or purchase goods or crops. They didn't hire labor. Sending the kids off to taste the outside life was a way of making sure that only the dedicated stick around.

Having 20 or 30-something carpenters and plowmen sneaking off because they feel like they're missing out on something could fuck up the entire community. One missing link fucks up the whole chain.

I have no love or respect for the Amish, Rumspringa was about survival for of the community, not mind control. You'd never see the Catholic church tell people to go out and fcuk, drink and gamble for a year.
Heretic reporting for duty :)
Don't you dare mock Professor William Henry Cosby, Jr. you infidel.

How dare you deny the divinity of the Great Cosby, by rejecting the prophecy of the Wizard of Oz!!!!
How dare you deny the divinity of the Great Cosby, by rejecting the prophecy of the Wizard of Oz!!!!

The council that voted on that matter did not include the prophecy of the Wizard of Oz. I'm trying to spread the teachings of the Great Cosby; not that many know this but the gospels are written on the back of Jello pudding pop wrappers. Don't put your own spin on it, the gospels are quite clear on that subject.
Atheism, critical-thinking and skepticism all go together and we just want people to use their brains, think about something objectively and believe something because it was proven to be true, not because it hasn't been disproven (I'm sure you heard of the reasoning that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc. must be real since they haven't been proven to be false, same concept applies). Atheists don't ask for money, there are no mandatory books to purchase (if you want to buy something from Sagan, Dawkins, Hitchens, etc. that is your prerogative)

Who knows, maybe god does exist but all the evidence points towards the contrary. We are open to the possibility of the existence of 'higher being' but until hard evidence comes to light, it will just be wishful-thinking (read: conjecture)

I have to strongly disagree with you on quite a few points.
Atheism critical thinking and skepticism, from my personal experience, do not go together.
atheist do not like to hear this, but Atheism is a linear point of view, yes it does subscribe to a position and does use educational materials (science critical thinking and logic) to reinforce their belief, but in a very manipulative and often cute/clever manner, and that tells me, that you are not really open to the possibility of the existence of 'higher being'
for example comparing God (which is suppose to really be an allegorical identity to the question of the nature of the universe) to Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny.
There is a peer pressure to read and purchase atheist materials and literature, there is an attitude of, you are not an atheist until you read this, this and this.
Richard Dawkins is a poster child for religious atheism.
he has gone as far as invent scientific facts just to win an argument, and leep to some very ridiculous conclusions.
his rallies are not exactly cheep to get into and he opens his lectures with poetry rhetoric and song.
and even atheists will admit he is a cook, but they still include him as one of their canonized teachers.
and that's just scratching the surface
from an out side point of view, Atheism is a religion (It's my point of view).
My Father was as close to a true atheist as anyone I knew, but he still helped his friends at church socials and charity events because he truly abhorred want and suffering.
but when he learned there were active atheists denouncing the beliefs of others, he stopped calling himself an atheist, until he finally came to the conclusion that there was no such thing as a concept or label that was incorruptible.
But if I had a gun to my head and was told to choose a side in the Evangelical debates, Atheism would win hands down.
I'm saying don't lie to your self, or try to present your self as absolutely infallible, or beyond the typical human failings (we all do what i just pointed out), Just to win a chop fight with Will E Worm.
He lives with his head up his ass, and I'm sure it's very comfortable.


Atheists do not use their brains and they do not have any critical thinkers.

Just scam artists milking you of your money.

Atheists don't proselytize. Christians do. :hatsoff:

No. ;)
Talk about the pot calling the Kettle Black!

No, Atheists do use their brains, its just like in any group they have members, who become what they are trying to destroy, and fall under the delusion that Evangelicals (on either side) can be rationally brought to reason).

I am a spiritual person - I believe in a form of divinity and afterlife.
and even I agree with George Carlin

Religion has absolutely nothing to do with finding God.
Religion prevents others from having their own spiritual experience.
its dictatorial and its final conclusion (90% of the time) is, "because we say so".

I've read the book, there is nothing in modern religion that I can 100% identify with the Biblical.

I can quote line and verse, and I can manipulate it too, to make Jesus look like a Bisexual swinging pedophile.

I think the book is fiction.
Hey I think Star Wars is the greatest epic story told in modern times,
with ever so important spiritual moral and political teachings.
I'm not waiting around for the second coming of Yoda, or trying to force choke assholes on the highway.

I believe Jesus was a real man and he was a great political/spiritual revolutionary and activist.
I also believe he was Bisexual and was in a multiple person relationship,
and I believe he had at least one child.
because in that time and place, homosexuality was accepted and common and monogamy wasn't.
and to be a good rabbi at that time, you had to "go forth be fruitful and multiply" (meaning have sex and produce children).

I am incredibly cynical of any religion that proclaims purity and chastity yet has as its legacy the most common sexual position on earth named after its messengers, "the missionary position".

This is my point of view and it is based on my own personal knowledge and experience.
I can imagine a great deal of what I have said in this post is incredibly offensive to many people .
what ever you quote me or threaten me with is not going to change my point of view.
Because I am an intelligent person, and I have experienced, a lot, and from many points of view, and I have confidence in my ability to discern the truth for myself.
addressed to both of you
Most people realize their Theological point of view is far from perfect.
They either are what they are because their parents were and so that's what they were.
or if they believe its because it's the tradition and practice that bests suites their search for the answers they want.
our traditions may be bull shit but it's only because most of humanity is full of shit.
the thing is religion has most of the philosophical teachings of all human history.
and like it or not, provided platforms to launch critical thinkers.
its just being a "Human Institution", it is subject to corruption and is in need of a revolution every so often.

The Evangelical Atheist vrs Evangelical Theism wars is as idiotic as the political pundits, and unfortunately the Pundits were at it first so the tolerance factor has warn thin by now.

I would like to seriously discus (somewhere on the internet) spiritual points of view, or lack of, without entering the "my way's better than your way", evangelical, bullshit.
but since I can't I do this.