What religion are you?

What religion are you?

  • Catholic

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • Protestant

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Buddhistic

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Moslem

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Atheistic

    Votes: 15 22.4%
  • Amish

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Another

    Votes: 23 34.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The council that voted on that matter did not include the prophecy of the Wizard of Oz. I'm trying to spread the teachings of the Great Cosby; not that many know this but the gospels are written on the back of Jello pudding pop wrappers. Don't put your own spin on it, the gospels are quite clear on that subject.

are you going to throw out I spy and Fat Albert too?
why not deny the stand up comedy while your at it!!!
and for your information, Coke came before Jello, Cosby Damn It!!!!


Prince of the Rotten Milk
are you going to throw out I spy and Fat Albert too?
why not deny the stand up comedy while your at it!!!
and for your information, Coke came before Jello, Cosby Damn It!!!!

This is in response to your previous post, it's not letting me quote it for some reason.

I can only speak for myself but I am open to the possibility of a higher being, I'm 99% sure that there is none but I will believe if hard (read: real) evidence comes to light. Not based on conjecture, deductions, or anecdotal evidence. The Santa Claus/Easter Bunny allegory can be used interchangeably for the nature of creation, as you put it, or forthe creator himself (the most popular imaginary creature to use, as you know, is the FSM at the moment).

Its not a superiority complex as I can surmise from your statement and we never claim to have all the answers, we just try to promote critical thinking; i.e. not believing in things: 2012, the 9/11 "truther" movement, Nostradamus, horoscopes, etc. just because you have been indoctrinated or because its popular at the moment. It could be argued that the theists think they are better than us, the non-believers, since "we just don't get it" and we are going to hell. You can tell by their condescending tones when they say this.

Lastly, when I hear someone say "i'm not religious but I'm spiritual" that just means that person is a pothead. :)


Universalist....This word means something else entirely but as for me using it as a description of my religion its one I just made up there now:D

As in God is the universe because it contains all within it, its not self conscious but in essence it is alive. A natural raging force subject to laws of which we understand some but obviously not all. As for the after life and all that tosh its just matter and energy tranformation because the laws of the universe include: Waste not! Depressing I know but our physical shells enrich the soil of the planet, one of many in the vastness of the universe while our supposed souls change format which is depressing because one likely loses sense of self. I say this not just cause I smoked a nice big blunt but cause energy never really dissapears it only changes format. Electricity goes into the tv, Sound, Light and even some heat energy come out:D Our lives and this planet are subject to the same laws and forces albeit on a smaller scale, natural selection, chaos theory or other such theological and physical dung I aint qualified to talk about!

I mean come on! God in every religion has a gender which is male woah weird:eek: And has something to say on every issue important and by that I mean perceived by humans as important.

And yes due to the vastness of the universe and the many laws and forces its subject to, the idea that extra terrestial life may not exist is ludicrous. It just hasnt to this date visited earth. So no I aint a nut I dont believe in abductions which strangely enough only happen in North America:rofl: And that an race advanced enough to get to this mud ball would really really be interested in sticking anal probes in my ass, I mean hello we are starting to develop understanding of genetics!

Nope Armageddon will occur when our sun runs outta juice, decides its time to turn red and then eventually go nova which is all subject to the forces that govern these things or when the universe itself decides to pack it in and stop expanding likely a bad day for all. Or even human hubris, fancy that!

Not when the supposed forces of Heaven and Hell wish to ignite an ancient argument or that all us sinners need culling while the righteous get raptured the hell outta here. Funnily enough this too is also found in most religions, very human that too having to feel better than others. As if a divine being totally omnipotent apparantly would seed religions with such ideals.
This is in response to your previous post, it's not letting me quote it for some reason.

I can only speak for myself but I am open to the possibility of a higher being, I'm 99% sure that there is none but I will believe if hard (read: real) evidence comes to light. Not based on conjecture, deductions, or anecdotal evidence. The Santa Claus/Easter Bunny allegory can be used interchangeably for the nature of creation, as you put it, or forthe creator himself (the most popular imaginary creature to use, as you know, is the FSM at the moment).
well that's my point anything can be used as anything that doesn't justify slamming it as a none allegorical delusional fairy tail.
Its taking a misinterpretation and using it as proof that something is false and ignoring what the true focus is.
Its not a superiority complex as I can surmise from your statement and we never claim to have all the answers, we just try to promote critical thinking; i.e. not believing in things: 2012, the 9/11 "truther" movement, Nostradamus, horoscopes, etc. just because you have been indoctrinated or because its popular at the moment. It could be argued that the theists think they are better than us, the non-believers, since "we just don't get it" and we are going to hell. You can tell by their condescending tones when they say this.
I don't think you have a superiority complex or that my statement means that, I'm saying atheism is a human ideology with plenty of examples that it doesn't go hand in hand with critical thinking and skepticism.
I'm saying its an assumption, and also it does appear that atheists assume to have all the answers.
if you are not careful you can fall into the same condescending tone as the theists.
I've heard some really bizarre reasons for being an atheist, or even atheists with some bizarre beliefs.
Richard Dawkins has come up with some real doozies.
I think of myself as a critical thinker and skeptic, even to the point of cynicism, but I definitely would not call my self an atheist.
I'm just saying in the prosses of debunking believers one can become faithful.

Lastly, when I hear someone say "i'm not religious but I'm spiritual" that just means that person is a pothead. :)
I wish to the bleeding vagina of Jesus's lesbian whore mother, I was.
I can't even tolerate a wiff of the stuff, sends me into convolutions and knocks my ass out.
I feel so left out
funny, but sadly true.
yes many of my teachers did toke the weed.
don't think you have a superiority complex or that my statement means that, I'm saying atheism is a human ideology with plenty of examples that it doesn't go hand in hand with critical thinking and skepticism.
I'm saying its an assumption, and also it does appear that atheists assume to have all the answers.
if you are not careful you can fall into the same condescending tone as the theists.

I know what you are getting at, atheism has the preconceived notion that god doesn't exist whereras a skeptic would reply "I just don't know, but I highly doubt it". I do consider myself an atheist and contend that all 3 ideas can coexist; as long as you are at least willing to allow for the possibility of a higher being (if evidence should be produced).

On a side note, freeones is great, you can have in-depth theological discussions one minute and then "crank one out" to the likes of Ashlynn Brooke and Bree Olson. :D
As in God is the universe because it contains all within it, its not self conscious but in essence it is alive. A natural raging force subject to laws of which we understand some but obviously not all. As for the after life and all that tosh its just matter and energy tranformation because the laws of the universe include: Waste not! Depressing I know but our physical shells enrich the soil of the planet, one of many in the vastness of the universe while our supposed souls change format which is depressing because one likely loses sense of self.
that's actually the same as some eastern traditions.

I mean come on! God in every religion has a gender which is male woah weird:eek: And has something to say on every issue important and by that I mean perceived by humans as important.
Not entirely true male gender deity dominated religions are the most common, but there are a great deal of female based deity and non entity deity religions.

So no I aint a nut I dont believe in abductions which strangely enough only happen in North America:rofl:
crop circles are from England, and GB has reports of abductions.
And that an race advanced enough to get to this mud ball would really really be interested in sticking anal probes in my ass,
don't knock it till you tried it.

Nope Armageddon will occur when our sun runs outta juice, decides its time to turn red and then eventually go nova which is all subject to the forces that govern these things or when the universe itself decides to pack it in and stop expanding likely a bad day for all. Or even human hubris, fancy that!
current scientific theory is life on earth will fissile out.
and the universe will expand to an infinite cold dead void.

I don't buy it, but that's the current theory.
I don't think you have a superiority complex or that my statement means that, I'm saying atheism is a human ideology with plenty of examples that it doesn't go hand in hand with critical thinking and skepticism.
I'm saying its an assumption, and also it does appear that atheists assume to have all the answers.
if you are not careful you can fall into the same condescending tone as the theists.
I've heard some really bizarre reasons for being an atheist, or even atheists with some bizarre beliefs.
Richard Dawkins has come up with some real doozies.
I think of myself as a critical thinker and skeptic, even to the point of cynicism, but I definitely would not call my self an atheist.
I'm just saying in the prosses of debunking believers one can become faithful.

If I may interject; I think if you were to ask any atheist whether or not they believed in some form of a higher power the answer would probably come in two forms. Subjectively – for the most part - they’d say that they absolutely do not believe that a higher power exists, but objectively they would have to conclude that it is because of the lack of evidence to show one way or another the question will have to remain an unknown until that evidence does surface (if it ever does). So there is an element of assumption in that.

But (before the local fundie jumps down my throat) this is the exact same situation most believers find themselves in. Yes they can drone on and on about how they feel a divine presence in their heart blah, blah, blah and all that nonsense. But that is in no way proof and any rational person should see how ridiculous this form of argumentation really is. And in the grand scheme of things it’s not the believer asking the important questions in this argument. It is the believer who takes their belief at face value and does absolutely no critical thinking about it. Where are their scientific explanations for our existence on this planet or how the universe came into being and Evolved?

You have to ask, who really is taking the bigger leap of “faith” here? Those who believe what they’re told by whatever religious leader they abide by and have grown up with or the person who states that no, there is no proof that any form of higher power exists whatsoever and until the time comes when that evidence does surface as to whether or not there is or isn't a higher power why should I believe in him/her or it?
I know what you are getting at, atheism has the preconceived notion that god doesn't exist whereras a skeptic would reply "I just don't know, but I highly doubt it". I do consider myself an atheist and contend that all 3 ideas can coexist; as long as you are at least willing to allow for the possibility of a higher being (if evidence should be produced).
far better put than my clumsy attempt.
I think its best to approach it that way and not give the fanatics a reason to dismiss your arguments (cough*willeworm* cough)

On a side note, freeones is great, you can have in-depth theological discussions one minute and then "crank one out" to the likes of Ashlynn Brooke and Bree Olson. :D

You can't have this conversation anyplace else.
It's sad, - but anyplace else and this conversation would be too hot of a topic, and this thread closed.
Its so PC on other boards it's scary,
Thank The Eternal Slut for porn message boards, especially Free Ones.
Thank The Eternal Slut for porn message boards, especially Free Ones.

Now that is one deity that I can get into (literally). Please forgive me Great Cosby (peace and blessings be upon Him)

I like to imagine Her as a cross between Alicia Silverstone (from her "Clueless" days) and Rachael Leigh Cook (from her "this is your brain on drugs" commercial days).
If I may interject; I think if you were to ask any atheist whether or not they believed in some form of a higher power the answer would probably come in two forms. Subjectively – for the most part - they’d say that they absolutely do not believe that a higher power exists, but objectively they would have to conclude that it is because of the lack of evidence to show one way or another the question will have to remain an unknown until that evidence does surface (if it ever does). So there is an element of assumption in that.
No argument there.
I'm trying to point out in what way wording it, can give the fundie an excuse not to listen to you.
That as ideal as your point sounds and as acurate to your own point of view,
when arguing with the fundies, saying that is the view of atheism razes the assumption you are saying all atheists are the same way, leaves you open to the label of a religion.
and the fundamentalists both atheist and theist will put you on a particular side.
and I'm pointing out fanatics attach them selves to any ideology.

But (before the local fundie jumps down my throat) this is the exact same situation most believers find themselves in. Yes they can drone on and on about how they feel a divine presence in their heart blah, blah, blah and all that nonsense. But that is in no way proof and any rational person should see how ridiculous this form of argumentation really is. And in the grand scheme of things it’s not the believer asking the important questions in this argument.

But there have been many irrational ideals that came from atheism, the worst one being the socialist idea that natural selection justifies mass murder.
the real reason for such rationalizations is to justify cruelty.
regardless of the ideology.
nothing is fool proof because fools are so ingenious.

It is the believer who takes their belief at face value and does absolutely no critical thinking about it. Where are their scientific explanations for our existence on this planet or how the universe came into being and Evolved?

isn't it a belief that there is only the tangible, and that the universe is a godless mechanism of chance and and natural selection and nothing more, when we don't have the whole picture of everything?
theories are a beliefe, a very well educated and researched belief but one none the less.
In true faith Critical thinking is not finding justification for defending a bullshit stories of fairy tails, its in depth insightful analysis of ones own self in relation to the world around the individual and involves extremely abstract thought.

You have to ask, who really is taking the bigger leap of “faith” here? Those who believe what they’re told by whatever religious leader they abide by and have grown up with or the person who states that no, there is no proof that any form of higher power exists whatsoever and until the time comes when that evidence does surface as to whether or not there is or isn't a higher power why should I believe in him/her or it?

in return I can say how ridicules is it for scientists to believe in magical forces like gravity and black wholes - super strings and multiple dimensions, because some guy in a lab coat who makes guesses.
Those were some amazing leaps of faith.
Einstein came up with a whole new universe just by thinking about it.
and so far he's been right.
both the scientist and the mystic take amazing leaps of faith,
and both have influenced the other,
as a spiritualist and someone who can make assumptions - of course I make bigger leaps of faith, and without critical thinking it is not hard to delude myself.
I think that also applies to atheism as well.
a reason why I can not take an absolute position of saying my way is the right way, but like all rational critical thinkers do have a reasoning for my point of view.
It does not matter what your point of view is, it is not incorruptible.
no philosophy is perfect because people lie to themselves.
Now that is one deity that I can get into (literally). Please forgive me Great Cosby (peace and blessings be upon Him)

I like to imagine Her as a cross between Alicia Silverstone (from her "Clueless" days) and Rachael Leigh Cook (from her "this is your brain on drugs" commercial days).

That's all and good, but don't change the subject.
Coke came before Jello, admit it you Cosby Damned freak.