What Politician Do You Wish Would've Ran (or Won) the US Presidency?

I can't think of a single politician that I would think would make a good president. (or even is good politician for that matter)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Ross Perot, because he can put out and wildfires with his big ears flapping.
Barry Goldwater -- in part because I'd like to see what a limited government conservative who didn't buy into a leap-before-you-look foreign policy AND had the balls to push through the Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act at the height of McCarthyism could do in a position of leadership.
Obama? You can thank Oprah for that when she had him on her show promoting his no good, dumbass book of his. Just like every other idiotic politician who writes a book. All stupid and completely fails.

Just buy Michael Savage's new book Trickle Up Poverty.

And before anyone insults it. Read it. It would be the only intelligent move you make in life. So read it all the way through. Front to back. Go from there. Not just because Michael Savage is involved. After all his book: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder was a top ten book on the New York Times Best Sellers list as well as his other books.

Oh. You don't like him? Too bad. That is because you are liberal and apparently have a mental disorder. Americans are fed up with illegal immigrants invading this country, fascism, socialism, high taxes, big government, over spending, and the fact that this country is being screwed over because of selfish politicians of both sides only worried about lining their own pockets instead of the citizens.

Come November 2nd of 2010 there will be a cleaning of politicians. Liberal, leftist/socialist politicians will be kicked out and real representatives will be put in be it republican or democrat. No longer the screw ups that been in.

Mainly democrats will be kicked out. They are, after all, the majority.

Bye-bye lefty.

Haha, Savage is awesome. My dad has that book. That guy gets death threats he is so outspoken. :1orglaugh

But how could he continue profiting off of this conspiracy bullshit if he's part of the establishment?

And you hit the nail on the head, sir. That's precisely why he was a one-term governor; he chose not to run a second term because he doesn't believe in career politicians or 'the system.' His winning the MN governorship was one of the miraculous upsets in American politics.

As dumb as the guy sounds, he speaks some serious truth and it's not drivel when he does speak. :yesyes:
What is wrong with Alan Keyes?

Is that a serious question?

Have you ever heard the maxim which says you can't trust a man who says 3 words when 2 will do?
"The Nature Pres" Ric Flair. Just imagine the press conferences.

Al Queda, if you love it or you hate it. Learn to love it. Because it's the best thing going today. Wwwoooooooo.

Plus who is going to fuck with a country when the Secretary of Defense is known as "The Enforcer"? :dunno::D

Ole Anderson could be Press Secretary. It would be a joy watching him field dumb questions from reporters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppMm64J3Wok
On the Republican side:
General Sherman
Barry Goldwater
The 2000 John McCain

On the Democratic side:
Al Gore
Huey Long
General Winfield Scott Hancock
Bobby Kenndey
Hubert Humphrey
From what I've heard, RFK had a similar mix of conservative and liberal views as I do. We could have avoided Watergate and thus avoided Carter's presidency as well.