Teabagger: To tea bag is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of a sexual partner. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea when it is done in a repeated in-and-out motion.
Obamacare: General term to describe the overhaul of the U.S. health care system, which President Obama championed after being elected in 2008.
Teabagger is a hateful slur; Obamacare is an all-in-one term to describe the health care overhall, it's not a slur. What the heck does one have to do with the other?
Besides, all Obamacare is is a play to give illegal aliens (and they do in fact vote!) and lazy welfare fucks a free ride so they will vote Democrat. Unless you happen to be an illegal alien or a lazy welfare fuck, why aren't you pissed off about government health care? You should be. It's your money that's being spent and your choice that will be taken away.