What pisses you off?


cindy CD/TV


Originally Posted by Whit
They are pissing off all the right-wingers , so they must be on the right track!
The right loved the tea baggers who were clueless but don't you dare pick on rich people!

Suck it, ignorant clod. :dislike:


Official Checked Star Member
girls/pornstars on twitter who post pictures of themselves and call themselves cute and beautiful over and over i dunno I know i'm pretty and what not but being full of yourself is so not attractive...

cindy CD/TV

What giving me a negative rep for using the offensive name tea baggers wasn't enough, so you came here? That hurts! Jesus grow up!

Well the title of this thread is "What pisses you off?" You pissed me off, bro. Simple as that.

This was a quid pro quo. Teabagger!? :nono: If you're going to shoot your mouth off like that be prepared for a fucking response -- I don't let shit like that go unanswered. There are ways to communicate your opinion (no matter how ignorant it may be) without disrepecting people. Respect begets respect. I don't care if you weren't directly addressing me: You threw a bomb and this was the collateral damage. Deal with it.

cindy CD/TV

Loud commercials. I'm watching a TV show at night and need to raise the volume, but then it goes to commercial and it's like twice as loud as the show I was watching. Grrrrr!!!
Well the title of this thread is "What pisses you off?" You pissed me off, bro. Simple as that.

This was a quid pro quo. Teabagger!? :nono: If you're going to shoot your mouth off like that be prepared for a fucking response -- I don't let shit like that go unanswered. There are ways to communicate your opinion (no matter how ignorant it may be) without disrepecting people. Respect begets respect. I don't care if you weren't directly addressing me: You threw a bomb and this was the collateral damage. Deal with it.

LOL I've read your posts, you're immature punk that thinks he knows every thing! Grow up and grow a pair, it's only the fucking internet! :)
Trolls on almost every forum i visit. I mean seriously why on earth do they even bother? Have they seriously nothing better to do with their time?

And secondly.... No matter how much i try, not being able to squirt 0.o :dunno:
That i can't find any hot lesbian porn that doesn't involve those 3 idiots Molly Cavalli, Sammie Rhodes, or Sandy Eggface(or whatever the hell her name is). And while i'm at it, why do the top sites like Brazzers insist on using the same guy over and over again, i mean please can't they use there imagination for once, i mean seriously for fuck sake. And i've had the flu for like a week now, and, and....well actually that's it.
Fools that use the word troll everytime they see a view they don't like on a forum. And it happens more times on IMDb than anywhere else online.

Fools that always ask the most stupidest question ever "You alright?" right after an accident where the person gets hurt. Of course they are not alfuckingright. Use some common sense for fucksake.

Loud commercials. I'm watching a TV show at night and need to raise the volume, but then it goes to commercial and it's like twice as loud as the show I was watching. Grrrrr!!!

Dido. I heard that there is a law against that in progress.

Also, Shitty mechanics and National Carburetor shipping me 2 bad Carburetors and a the wrong choke to fix the last one they sent me!

I am sick as FUCK of shitty mechanics doing a half ass job on my fucking cars! Every time I take anything into a "mechanic" they fuck it up and I spend a weekend+ fixing their work.
I am not even a ASE certified mechanic! WTF.
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Shunned affection

cindy CD/TV

LOL I've read your posts, you're immature punk that thinks he knows every thing! Grow up and grow a pair, it's only the fucking internet! :)

:kettle: LOL .... wow. If you really read my posts then you'd know that's NOT true. Whatever. You're insulting people on the internet and then hiding behind it. And you're tellling ME to grow a pair? Who's being immature again, Whit-less? :rolleyes: :stir: :stir: :stir:
Well the title of this thread is "What pisses you off?" You pissed me off, bro. Simple as that.

This was a quid pro quo. Teabagger!? :nono: If you're going to shoot your mouth off like that be prepared for a fucking response -- I don't let shit like that go unanswered. There are ways to communicate your opinion (no matter how ignorant it may be) without disrepecting people. Respect begets respect. I don't care if you weren't directly addressing me: You threw a bomb and this was the collateral damage. Deal with it.

I also use the term teabagger. I'll stop stop calling them teabaggers when they stop saying Obamacare.

cindy CD/TV

I also use the term teabagger. I'll stop stop calling them teabaggers when they stop saying Obamacare.


Teabagger: To tea bag is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of a sexual partner. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea when it is done in a repeated in-and-out motion.

Obamacare: General term to describe the overhaul of the U.S. health care system, which President Obama championed after being elected in 2008.

Teabagger is a hateful slur; Obamacare is an all-in-one term to describe the health care overhall, it's not a slur. What the heck does one have to do with the other? :confused:

Besides, all Obamacare is is a play to give illegal aliens (and they do in fact vote!) and lazy welfare fucks a free ride so they will vote Democrat. Unless you happen to be an illegal alien or a lazy welfare fuck, why aren't you pissed off about government health care? You should be. It's your money that's being spent and your choice that will be taken away.

Teabagger: To tea bag is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of a sexual partner. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea when it is done in a repeated in-and-out motion.
You sure know a lot about it, I think you really are a teabagger! :1orglaugh
You insult every person that doesn't agree with your right wing views and when they give it back, you get your feelings hurt. Such a child.