What pisses you off?


For the EMPEROR!!
Morons that use there phones and text while driving, .. losing the remote control, especially when a crappy show is about to start
Not a pisser for me as it's really, really funny...but when people in the ID/Name Babe section try to have someone ID some random chick snapping a cell phone pic of herself in the mirror.:facepalm::1orglaugh

Then bump it a million times not knowing it's most likely some poor, random chick who's had her pic hijacked from some dating site or something.


√ Lock step political conformity

√ Fat, happy, lazy & dependent welfare recipient parasites who contribute nothing more than their vote . .. for even more free stuff. . . at my expense! :mad: :hammer:



Why save the world, when you can rule it?
√ Lock step political conformity

√ Fat, happy, lazy & dependent welfare recipient parasites who contribute nothing more than their vote . .. for even more free stuff. . . at my expense! :mad: :hammer:

That's right, industries work hard & pay tax, people just live off the work of industry, which pays tax, doesn't use tax havens and never breaks any laws, weather those laws concern legal treatment of employees, dangers to public health, the environment or anything else :facepalm:

In case you didn't get what I'm saying: tax havens/tax breaks cost you a lot more than people temporarily out of work due to busness utilising foreign slave labour, sending the cash to other countries resulting in the rise of the monstrous spectre of undemocratic human-rights-free china rising to the top of the global melting pot.

Kids who think they are gangsters and get away with crime after crime because they are minors. Just watch any cop show in the UK and you'll see what I'm talking about, sometimes they'll show a high speed chase that could've killed innocent passers by and after they catch the guy the narrator will say 'he was later banned from driving for 6 months so that'll show him' and I'm like 'That's It!' :mad: Then they'll find cannabis in a car and give the guy a bit of paper and that's it or a parent will say their kid stole their car, the police will find the guy and take him and the car home and then the narrator will quietly say 'the parents decided not to press charges' and i'm thinking charge the fuckers for wasting police time. People get ASBOs here for anti-social behaviour and they just laugh at that, I never even here of anyone getting community service anymore, get the fuckers who piss up the streets to help clean up or do something useful for society.

We need to build more prisons. Also there would be more respect for the rule of law if it applied more equally across society and penalties were applied strictly.


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People with no sense of humor. Also people with a lame sense of humor who think they're funny because they're the boss of a company and the people who work under them feel the need to laugh at their jokes. Those pussies who laugh piss me off too.
What pisses you off? Get specific and feel free to vent a little.

The massive waste of hardworking taxpayers money on illegal immigrants, foodstamps and welfare. There are many jobs people can do but they refuse them because of great welfare!!! This has to stop. My policy is to give any needy family, or others, anything they want for 2 years.
Then after that, cut them off from everything or die!
Welfare will ruin America faster than any war.
Where do I begin?

1. Bad Drivers
2. Idiots
3. The fact that Freeones constantly reminds me I will never ever get to meet any of the beautiful women enshrined here.
4. The fact that said beautiful women wouldn't be caught dead on even a movie date with me.
5. The fact that I had cancer.
6. The fact that the American government has its head so far up its own ass that it down know which way is up or down.
7. The fact that I don't have the money I need to live comfortably without worries.

and I could keep going...somedays I wonder why I don't sleep with a loaded gun in my mouth.
cable t.v.
