the low-fat myth
followed by the calorie counting myth which has made the public even more obsessive and neurotic
oh and let's not leave out the adverts for cleaning products which ask us "It looks clean, but is it?"
what kind of head-fuck is that? Are they deliberatly trying to make us into OCD nutjobs or something?
I hate to break this one to you, but the calorie counting is not a myth. That Jenny Craig and Weightwatchers is just a scam that you can do for yourself for free.
I'm using a free app, I've been meticulously counting the calorie value in food to watch the totals. The past several months, I've lost a total exceeding 40 pounds. Total truth. I actually annoy people I go to lunch with when I tell them what's in that food.
I've also cut out all fast food, soda and drink a damn gallon of water a day.
Simple rules. 2000 calories a day or less, 2400 mgs of sodium a day max. I now only consume around 1300 calories a day and I feel fine. Slightly more in sodium.
When you go eat those macho nachos or that double cheese hamburger, you just ate the equivalent of 3/4 of your days total allowance and double that amount in sodium, which can be worse for you in one sitting. (Not counting the fries)
But you also ate breakfast and you'll eat dinner. You might just eat the same thing. So by the end of the day you've eaten over 4000 calories and 5000 mgs of salt. That's not counting the snacking, the starbucks coffee, the soda... Which by the way gives you kidney stones and brittle bones when you age.
So think it's a myth if you want. Responsible eating, and knowing what you're eating is not a myth.