What pisses you off?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
People who get really angry in a restaurant when their food takes a little longer than normal.

Take it easy, fat ass. You don't really need a chicken parmesan to begin with. Waiting another ten minutes for it won't starve you. In fact you should go a few days without eating.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
The way the news media humps a story about a mediocre star passing away. Is it really news? You know they all had a spot on the dead pool list.
The way the news media humps a story about a mediocre star passing away. Is it really news? You know they all had a spot on the dead pool list.

I get your sentiment about the hyping of mediocrity. That being said you and I are about the same age and for us Elizabeth Taylor did/doesn't mean that much. But to our parents generation she was the A fucking top of the list actress/starlet/socialite, the end all be-all of the 50's n 60's. In her day to be honest she was anything but mediocre.

What pisses me off is the degeneration of entertainment in general today with the rise to prominence of the "reality" tv over quality scripted shows and through them their creation of instant celebrities of useless dickwads n douchebags that I and the rest of us should have no fucking knowledge of ever!
I am talking to you cast of Jersey Shore, Real fucking World all of you asses and for sure any of you Idol tools. Fuck you from the Red Assed Ball of Hate!



Postal Paranoiac
I get your sentiment about the hyping of mediocrity. That being said you and I are about the same age and for us Elizabeth Taylor did/doesn't mean that much. But to our parents generation she was the A fucking top of the list actress/starlet/socialite, the end all be-all of the 50's n 60's. In her day to be honest she was anything but mediocre.

What pisses me off is the degeneration of entertainment in general today with the rise to prominence of the "reality" tv over quality scripted shows and through them their creation of instant celebrities of useless dickwads n douchebags that I and the rest of us should have no fucking knowledge of ever!
I am talking to you cast of Jersey Shore, Real fucking World all of you asses and for sure any of you Idol tools. Fuck you from the Red Assed Ball of Hate!


Right on. :bowdown:
When you go threw a drive through at a fast food restaurant ask for a particular sauce and they dont but it in the bag

How about not getting your complete order??:mad::mad:
When you meet a girl that's smooOOooOokin' hot :drool2::drool1: and you get all excited to be starting something with her :nanner: and then the more you talk to her the more you realize that she's out of her fucking mind. :rolleyes: Like fucking certi-fucking-fiable. :facepalm: Then it's just one big train wreck as you try to put up with it (because she's THAT hot), :dunno: before you eventually just say OK FUCK THIS!! :mad::mad: I don't care how hot you are you're fucking psycho!! :thefinger Then you look at her pictures, get a boner, :rubbel: and cry. :crying: Lol. :dunno:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
How much sodium is in food now. I mean come on! It's double the amount of calories!
People who make your wait in line longer for no good reason. At traffic lights when the first car to go after green just sits there for 5 seconds causing you to miss the light. Or the idiot I had yesterday who waited in line for 10 minutes to order a sandwich and still didn't know what she wanted and wasted more time asking a bunch of idiotic questions. I'm sure they have better places to be then in traffic or in a damn ordering line.
Cashiers who chat up a fucking storm with the 4 customers in front of you, when you're in a hurry. Shut the fuck up and give then their change you cunt.


the low-fat myth

followed by the calorie counting myth which has made the public even more obsessive and neurotic

oh and let's not leave out the adverts for cleaning products which ask us "It looks clean, but is it?"

what kind of head-fuck is that? Are they deliberatly trying to make us into OCD nutjobs or something?


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
the low-fat myth

followed by the calorie counting myth which has made the public even more obsessive and neurotic

oh and let's not leave out the adverts for cleaning products which ask us "It looks clean, but is it?"

what kind of head-fuck is that? Are they deliberatly trying to make us into OCD nutjobs or something?

I hate to break this one to you, but the calorie counting is not a myth. That Jenny Craig and Weightwatchers is just a scam that you can do for yourself for free.

I'm using a free app, I've been meticulously counting the calorie value in food to watch the totals. The past several months, I've lost a total exceeding 40 pounds. Total truth. I actually annoy people I go to lunch with when I tell them what's in that food.
I've also cut out all fast food, soda and drink a damn gallon of water a day.

Simple rules. 2000 calories a day or less, 2400 mgs of sodium a day max. I now only consume around 1300 calories a day and I feel fine. Slightly more in sodium.

When you go eat those macho nachos or that double cheese hamburger, you just ate the equivalent of 3/4 of your days total allowance and double that amount in sodium, which can be worse for you in one sitting. (Not counting the fries)

But you also ate breakfast and you'll eat dinner. You might just eat the same thing. So by the end of the day you've eaten over 4000 calories and 5000 mgs of salt. That's not counting the snacking, the starbucks coffee, the soda... Which by the way gives you kidney stones and brittle bones when you age.

So think it's a myth if you want. Responsible eating, and knowing what you're eating is not a myth.
Happens all the time... people who try to get in an elevator or into a Metro car without letting people get off first :mad:
When you meet a girl that's smooOOooOokin' hot :drool2::drool1: and you get all excited to be starting something with her :nanner: and then the more you talk to her the more you realize that she's out of her fucking mind. :rolleyes: Like fucking certi-fucking-fiable. :facepalm: Then it's just one big train wreck as you try to put up with it (because she's THAT hot), :dunno: before you eventually just say OK FUCK THIS!! :mad::mad: I don't care how hot you are you're fucking psycho!! :thefinger Then you look at her pictures, get a boner, :rubbel: and cry. :crying: Lol. :dunno:

Reminds me of a certain girl I liked in high school haha.