What movies do you recommend to watch while intoxicated?

Almost any film is enhanced by the glorious liquid elixir known as alcohol.

I'd recommend a colorful Chinese film. Kung-Fu film of some sort.
Requiem for a Dream - If there was ever a movie to drunkenly contemplate suicide and maybe have the courage to follow it through it's that one.
Requiem for a Dream - If there was ever a movie to drunkenly contemplate suicide and maybe have the courage to follow it through it's that one.

I took a girl to that movie as our first date... most depressing date ever

I would suggest Deadwood (every time they say 'fuck' or 'cocksucker' you have to drink)
Wedding Crashers
Beerfest (every time they drink on screen you have to drink)
The Hangover
Big Lebowski
Blazing Saddles

Basically any comedy you like, I would suggest


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I used to love watching Naked Lunch and The Dark Backwards (which I cannot find again) while on shrooms. As for drinking and being stoned, Up In Smoke, Beerfest, and Half Baked.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
The Hangover. "He's still got it."

No nookie that night I bet. ;)

None. I remember after the movie we were walking out of the theater and I said "well I might go home and slit my wrist, what are you gonna do tonight?" At least I got a few laughs from that which is hard after a movie like that!


Hiliary 2020
And the best drunk movie ever is The Incident 1967.
Two drunks terrorizing a subway car. Great movie. Worth watching complete.
watch from 3:00 0n, he really fucks with this guy.
messin with a guido

messin with an army guy

messin with a black guy

messin with a homeless guy then a gay guy.