What is your thoughts on......


Fuck no it has lost its essence.

Camera work sucks alot too some shots wrecked.

Anal is good but its like the standard now, Which is fucking stupid because its so prevalent there like no where else to go then.....Except into the realms of freakery.

Probably to get the pussy tightly closed legs spreaded in arc poses.........Need to include some more shots where you maybe see a little less.....Less is more, Fuck anyone who says otherwise when it comes to realm of looking at fucking and naked hotties a bit of imagination and excitement building is essential......So when you actually do see the shit your like WHACK BAM fuck....I just blew my load like a loser.

Christ I could write alot of shit like a fucking essay but I can't be bothered......It will rebound and sort itself out in a few years anyway when its general popularity decreases I dunno probably cause the new fuck dolls get more interactive or we invent Virtual reality.


Ms.AB said:
I was just wondering what you gentlemen think of porn now a day. Is it what you guys would like to see?
I think that a little more intimacy, more natural breasts (slight enhancements OK), and you sweetheart in more pleated skirts would suit me fine!

BTW . .

Too much porn kills porn.

'til the 2000', porn was kinda taboo. It wasn't as available as it it now. Watching porn was bad. Now, a man who says he never watched porn is a liar or maybe a fag.
teenagers had to imagine clever ways to get porn (ask their older brother to buy a porn magasine, find the secret place where daddy hides his videos, etc.). Now they just need to google "porn" click "Yes, I'm 18".

Back in the days, in the 90' I could use my fingers to name my favorite pornstars. Now, If I had to name one different girl each day, I could fill-in a whole calendar.

Back in the days the were a bunch of pornstars who were really stars in the porn industry, they were nearly everyone's favorites.
Now, the word "pornstar" doesn't mean anything. Any girl touching herself in front of a webcam and putting a video on her website claims to be a pornstar.

I could go on this way for a while...


Johan said:
. . .teenagers had to imagine clever ways to get porn

I remember when I was about ten or eleven my bike MX friends and I would stop at the self service / vending newsstand out in front of a local main post office branch and choose from about 6 different sleaze newspaper publications for 50 cents a copy. :o I'll never forget this one pic that left us all completely baffled . . . .''Is this guy really poking this girl in the a-s-s-h-o? . . . Yep, he sure is . . No way man! Impossible! A man's dick doesn't belong in the girls ass . . . well, that's what he's doing . No! No man I don't believe it!'' :1orglaugh

AND, if you went inside the P.O. building, right beside the candy and gum vending machine sat a cigarette vending machine!:eek:

Yup . . . those were the days.:clap:
I'm looking for something 'special', only I've not seen it yet, and until I do, I don't know what it is :)


Too much porn kills porn.

'til the 2000', porn was kinda taboo. It wasn't as available as it it now. Watching porn was bad. Now, a man who says he never watched porn is a liar or maybe a fag.
teenagers had to imagine clever ways to get porn (ask their older brother to buy a porn magasine, find the secret place where daddy hides his videos, etc.). Now they just need to google "porn" click "Yes, I'm 18".

Back in the days, in the 90' I could use my fingers to name my favorite pornstars. Now, If I had to name one different girl each day, I could fill-in a whole calendar.

Back in the days the were a bunch of pornstars who were really stars in the porn industry, they were nearly everyone's favorites.
Now, the word "pornstar" doesn't mean anything. Any girl touching herself in front of a webcam and putting a video on her website claims to be a pornstar.

I could go on this way for a while...
Please don't.
...from what I gather you hate the internet


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Fuck no it has lost its essence.

Camera work sucks alot too some shots wrecked.

Anal is good but its like the standard now, Which is fucking stupid because its so prevalent there like no where else to go then.....Except into the realms of freakery.

Probably to get the pussy tightly closed legs spreaded in arc poses.........Need to include some more shots where you maybe see a little less.....Less is more, Fuck anyone who says otherwise when it comes to realm of looking at fucking and naked hotties a bit of imagination and excitement building is essential......So when you actually do see the shit your like WHACK BAM fuck....I just blew my load like a loser.

Christ I could write alot of shit like a fucking essay but I can't be bothered......It will rebound and sort itself out in a few years anyway when its general popularity decreases I dunno probably cause the new fuck dolls get more interactive or we invent Virtual reality.

I know that porn scenes now a day aren't as they were back in the day. Even a lot of performs are lazy and unfriendly. I hope that it changes soon because it is getting a little boring.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I think that a little more intimacy, more natural breasts (slight enhancements OK), and you sweetheart in more pleated skirts would suit me fine!

BTW . .


So a little more romance, I agree. Blushes babe.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Too much porn kills porn.

'til the 2000', porn was kinda taboo. It wasn't as available as it it now. Watching porn was bad. Now, a man who says he never watched porn is a liar or maybe a fag.
teenagers had to imagine clever ways to get porn (ask their older brother to buy a porn magasine, find the secret place where daddy hides his videos, etc.). Now they just need to google "porn" click "Yes, I'm 18".

Back in the days, in the 90' I could use my fingers to name my favorite pornstars. Now, If I had to name one different girl each day, I could fill-in a whole calendar.

Back in the days the were a bunch of pornstars who were really stars in the porn industry, they were nearly everyone's favorites.
Now, the word "pornstar" doesn't mean anything. Any girl touching herself in front of a webcam and putting a video on her website claims to be a pornstar.

I could go on this way for a while...

I agree that the word pornstar doesn't mean a thing now a days. It is true that now you can google search it and find it every where.

By the way feel free to go on and on and on.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
no, we are all on this website because we hate porn.

Not what I was talking about. I was talking about if you could be a director for a day what would you shoot and how would you shoot it.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
To blonde stuff down for you all. This is what this thread is about. It's not about hating porn or anything like that. I was wondering if you were a director for a day what would you shoot and how would you shoot it.


Well one of the things I feel is that porn takes itself too seriously.....So I would attempt to inject some humour in it but not like the obvious attempts like parodies but similiar to like late 80s early 90s flicks.

Maybe been done before I don't know but this is the low down....And I am assuming there isn't serious budget constraints bar the obvious shit...Getting the shoot done and wrapped ASAP.

Titties, Pussies and Life

1st scene- The hazards of online dating

- Horny fool surfing the wonderous world wide web....All the usual suspects shown on computer screen, Craigslist, Adult friend finder etc.
- He arranges meets....Can just shoot him conversing with some unattractive chicks hence the "hazard" (hey its porn it isnt supposed to be PC) Needless to say he doesn't get his groove on.
- At last some horny hottie.....RESULT!.....JACKPOT! DING DONG! (I'd have this reaction somehow empathized on screen)
- They head back to his place.....It turns out she is a real firecracker. So lots of dirty talk of the "is that all you got" variety....Good foreplay build up this thing is hot and this motherfucker wants to savour it.
- I'd include a creampie in this one because quite frankly him cream-pieing some stranger off the web is fucking dirty as fuck. And really really dumb too but this is the realm of fantasy(plz dont sue me) Yea and she has to be really hot so the viewer is like "fuck I'd emptied one in her"

2nd scene- The Milf and the Waster*
- Pot head work allergic guy....Not unattractive(damn thats cliched) lands around to really hot milfs house
- What transpires is a fuckathon of epic proportions....Include a good portion of the karma sutra here. Oh yea and not an awful lot of foreplay either...Just right to it.
- Finish with anal followed up by a really messy facial.
- He bails....Following the good old mantra "hit it and quit it"
- Comedy element is: A really comical hairdo on the guy as like a homage.

* True life inspired personally heard stories of resident pot heads(not from them obviously) landing around stoned just to jack hammer some recently divorced/separated milf....Which becomes like a regular occurance.....Damn what a wonderful arrangement.

3rd scene- The powerful woman and the escort
- Rich attractive powerful woman hires escort
- You can pretty much picture the rest
- Like this one personally cause it probably will provoke a lot of guys(not in a bad way...well probably are some nuts out there ahh well c'est la vie) Ahh the double standard society, The male ego and sensibilities easily dented. She really fucking hot....She paying this dude to nail her and quite frankly, All them guys holding there dicks watching it be like fuck I'd do it for free.....Only thing is we aren't all greek gods like hercules or something........Ahh drawed deep exhaling sigh lol.

Fuck could think of more and could probably be a bit more original but yea this only thread at moment I feel like ranting at.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I agree there is waaaaaaaaay too much porn out there. As a webmaster trying to get my stuff seen, I gotta deal not only with affiliate gallery spam, but 80 billion sites filled with soulless, low-grade, throwaway content. Luckily, electronic theft and the economic down turn is putting a lot of Porn Valley companies out of business, and I for one see this as a good thing. Out with the dinosaurs, out with the deadwood.

Without spamming my own site, our mission, our entire reason for getting into porn (because believe me, there are easier ways to make a buck these days,) was to raise the bar, do something fresh, make porn cool again. One thing I can tell you is we're all about being really real with the models, and not the bullshit fake "reality" peddled by fake reality sites, but real interactions, real situations.

We've been called the Jackass of porn because we hit the streets with the girl and get them to strip and masturbate, which is completely illegal in the US (everything is filmed in Hollywood and we're stupid fucks for doing it but we didn't have money for lighting, so we had no choice.)

But the point is, these girls who are often no strangers to making porn, are really getting a rush crossing the that line with us. They're used to making porn in a room, not on the streets with actual people walking by, going about their days. So we get real reactions, real smiles and blushes. You know what I mean. It's so rare in adult content because most of the guys behind the camera are fucking douchebags.

So for me, I want to see less porn but better quality, more interesting, more real.

You tell me. Are we doing a good job at TeasersVOD? We have a significant amount of free content on site, no pressure to join, and also give away all of our photos, so check it out!



Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Here's what Wright Williams thinks about the porn now-a-days:


To quote: "I finally have found my new favorite porn series to get obsessed over. Teasers: Extreme Public Adventures Vol. 2 is hands down the best new thing around."

"The Teasers series is a breath of fresh, authentic air in an otherwise boring genre. You really will feel the excitement and the electricity in the air as these girls show off their birthday suits in as realistic an experience as an exhibitionist film can have. This is my pick for series of the year and Teasers: Extreme Public Adventures Vol. 2 is an excellent piece of filth."

And we're not even paying the guy to say that.
